Chapter 2

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The next day all their allies were sitting in Alberu's meeting room. Waiting for the blond to speak. Until he finally broke the ice. 

"You must be wondering why all of you are here."

"Yes, your majesty we're quite curious about why you called us here so suddenly"

It was the queen of the Jungle, Litana. Sitting next to her was Toonka of the Whipper Kingdom and his supreme chief Harol and the leaders of different tribes such as the tiger and whale tribes.

"Litana is right, your majesty" continued Witria as the other nodded agreeing.

The Emperor looks around the room before saying"I got a letter", revealing the piece of cloth. Everyone in the room went silent as he continued " It states that our enemy is no more."He looks around the room analyzing their reactions.

Harol then asked, "Is that all they wrote?".Everyone thinking something similar.

"Unfortunately, yes that is all that was written. That's why I asked you all to gather here to ask for help in finding this person so we can reward or at least thank them because without their help we wouldn't be here today."

"I believe that we too who had received their help are in the position to help you in order to repay them," replied Litana while smiling with everyone agreeing.

Suddenly a bright light engulfed the room and one by one they started to fall unconscious...







They didn't know for how long they passed out but they soon started waking up. They opened their eyes to be greeted by a luxurious room.

Choi Hans eye's widened when he saw the big television in front of them. He immediately pulled his sword out of the sheath and looked around for any dangers.

To his surprise, he saw two guys that looked exactly like him staring back at him, scratch that there were two of everyone." Who are you!" one of the other Choi Han shouted at him."What do mean who am I? I should be the one asking who are you two and why do you look like me!." he shouted back.

And that was the start of the shouting match that soon got cut short by a loud voice.


A heavy and deadly aura was directed at them. They could hardly breathe nor move, but suddenly they were seated on comfortable, luxurious couches that matched the room. Forced to look up at the black screen.

Welcome mortals. I am system 739#

You're here to react to a special someone at the request of the Constellation the OLDEST DREAM. You are unable to deny taking partYou are all from alternative universes. On the left is the Original universe (Tboah) that all others stem from. On the right is the reset timeline of the Original one (Totcf) and in the Middle ( Tcf2) is similar to the right side but with huge differences.

No one speaks. Still in shock at the deadly aura that was directed at them a few seconds ago and the fact that they are still trying to process what they just heard.

"May we know who are we reacting to?"

Alberu who was brave enough to speak up, talking to the black scene as if it was a real person.

You are going to react to your most trusted ally the

"The who?" No one knows who that is. They didn't even understand the word on the screen.

That is his title you most likely won't recognize it but in each of your universes, you do know him but with a different title.

In the Tboah he was known as the Scarlet Widow.

In the Totcf he was known as the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces.

And in Tcf2 he is known as the Crimson rose.

He is unaware of this taking place so...

I will leave you be for an hour so you can process this information and get yourselves together we will start after that.

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