Chapter 5

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So to not make things more confusing...

Tboah names will be written as - Cale

Totcf names will be written as - Cale

Tcf2 names will be written as - Cale

Cale - system talking

"Cale" - people talking

'Cale' - people thinking

[ Cale] -what happens on screen

Cale - Gods talking


Now that you have all calmed down. We will start the reaction in a few minutes so I suggest that you relax and get comfortable. You are free to ask any questions till then.

Alberu was the first one to ask" May we know the name of the person we are reacting to ?"

Everyone patiently waited for the system to answer as they also wanted to know. Totcf already knew the answer but decided to remain quiet and waited for the system to reply.

You're going to have to be specific with your question he goes by many names. He has different identities which he uses when he goes to different places or is with a certain group of people, his name will be revealed during the reaction so your question will be answered soon.

'Different identities for different people and places ?' most people were thinking or something along those lines. They were all wondering why he would use different names.

Rosalyn then asked" What about this person are we reacting to? "

We are going to show some of their secrets, the reasons why they act the way they do, and their whole life story so you would have a better understanding of this person if you meet them considering you know almost nothing about them even if you are close to him.

Choi Han and Alberu tense up and looked at each other nervously, they thought the system was going to reveal Cale's secret of being Kim Rok Soo. While yes the system was going to do that, what they didn't know was that the secret they were thinking of was a half-truth, a cover story.

Totcf perk up they wanted to know more about their young master. It was true they don't know much about Cale. After the war, they have been trying to get him to open up to them but he was wary of them and seemed worried about something. They wanted to know why he was so closed off. Maybe this information could even tell them why the young master had been sneaking out and what that creature was.

"Do we know this person? " asked Litana

Yes, The people of Totcf know him. He lived in the Roan kingdom/empire but was known to have a bad reputation in both the Tboah and Totcf. In Tcf2, he is a missing person and is thought to be dead.

'Has a bad reputation? Is a missing person?' most people were pondering who it could be. They started thinking of what type of person he was. Most nobles wanted to get him on their side. Tboah was confused, why would they need an ally, then they thought of the Plaza Terror Incident, could they be against the organization that caused that terrible event? The citizens and nobles of Tcf2 were also confused they didn't know that there was someone helping their heroes.

"What is this person like? Personality wise that is." inquired Witria

Your question will be answered throughout your reaction. But if you asking for my opinion, it's a hard question to answer because he hides behind many masks. As I said before you nothing about him even if you are close to him. You only see what he wants you to see.

In Tboah and Totcf he created a bad reputation for his own reasons and purposes, so you wouldn't actually know what he's like. He is a very cautious person and has his guard up most of the time even if it doesn't look like it. The only ones in Tboah that have an idea of what he is actually like are his siblings considering they are the only people that have actively tried to get him to open up to them but he still didn't drop the act that created his bad reputation.

In Totcf he unintentionally dropped his act, he become more approachable and was a bit more open. He behaves the same way that he does with his siblings in front of the people he considers family but after the war, he started being on guard again because he got back something that was taken from him.

As for Tcf2, it's pretty much the same except he followed his original plan unlike in Tboah and Totcf.

It took a while for everyone to process what they just learned and while they finally took it all in they started shouting out their question.

"War?!! Is there going to be war in the future?!!"Tboah's nobles and citizens shouted staring at the screen in fear, panicking hoping it was a joke.

"Are you saying that you haven't gone to war already?" a random citizen from the Tcf2 asked.

Tboah came from the timeline a few days after the Plaza Terror Incident. Please calm yourselves down.

After everyone calmed down. Eruhaben asked a question that caught their attention.

"Original plan? What original plan did the unlucky bastard go through with, in the other world?"

They waited for the system to answer the question curious about what this plan was.

Sorry, I cannot answer your question as we are now starting but you will probably get your answer during your reaction.

I request for you sit comfortably in your seat and look at the screen







To be continued.

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