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"You can't go in there!" Hayward denied. "Why the hell not!" I yelled at him as I proceeded to the barrier. They probably thought I was crazy. And maybe I was. But we weren't getting anything done.

Watching the episodes on repeat and taking every little thing out of context. Making theories out of things that are ridiculous. It was like we were turning into TV crazed monsters finding theories and hypotheses and conspiracies. I despise people like that.

"We have no idea how dangerous crossing the barrier can be. What it'll do to you." Woo tried to reason as he followed closely behind. He didn't get too close for reasons and I would stop to talk to him but I didn't. I've made up my mind.

I shake my head. "It's gamma radiation. I got my powers from the mind stone. I think I can handle some radiation." And I was bleeding tremendously when that happened. So if I can handle that while I was very very out of it; I think I can handle this.

Hayward shakes his head. "I can not let you do that."

This was probably about Maria Rambeau. She was in the med bay getting checked out. She was in the hex for a very long time. I took a second to be with the evidence she brought back the same clothes she wore in the episodes.

At least that's one theory I got right.

I adjusted the neural inhibitor on my ear. It would only last a few minutes. But from my obsessive rewatching of the episodes I have noted that Vision has been having some doubts of their perfect little life. If I can get to him there might be hope.

"Try stopping me then!" I yelled. I point at the barrier, the hex- whatever you want to call it. "That is my sister in there. And even if she's mind controlling everyone in there I have to try. I let her down once before I am not doing that again!"

Hayward and Woo started yelling over the other but I didn't listen because I stepped through the barrier.

Westview was full of color. Or at least it was full of color in the episodes. Out here on the outskirts of Westview everything looked dull. Dead. People that were on the streets looked like statues pretending to be happy.

Jesus. It's like if they don't show up on the TV they aren't useful. I still seem to have function of my mind and my body so the inhibitors are working. For now. And my body didn't feel any different.

I have to go. I break into a run down the streets of Westview. And it took awhile. I was out of breath by the time I reached the familiar house from the TV. It was the same house Vision had bought for Wanda. "Okay…" I muttered, preparing myself to knock on the door because if Vision answered I'd probably have a breakdown because previously he was dead.

I knocked once but before I knocked again someone brought my hand down. Or more like some purple force. "What the hell-!!" I don't even get a chance to scream because of how ridiculously fast the force wrapped itself around me and pulled me away from the house.

Everything happened so fast that before I knew it I was in another house.

"Okay what gives?" I demanded to know, trying to shake loose from the purple pisonics that wrapped themselves around me. The room I was in looked like a basement. Almost kind of like my old lab in the Sokovian base except with more ancient looking walls and runes. Vines snaking up the walls. Totally not creepy.

"Ah so you're the Strucker the ad was based on." A familiar voice said as they stepped out of the shadows.

I don't know what I was expecting but it was not the nosy neighbor.

"Agnes?" I was slightly confused. Agnes rolled her eyes and her shoulders at the name. Disgusted. "Ugh if I have to hear that name one more time." Okay what does that mean?

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