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"Shh!" Veronica shushed the twins as she struggled to keep the dog in the bath as the twins tried their best to wash him with soap they stole from Visiona and Wanda's bedroom. And the kitchen sink.

“I don’t think he likes the water.” Billy inquired as the dog reseled to be free. “I thought it was only cats.” Veronica mutters slightly annoyed as she scrubs the dog, scrubbing away and drowning any fleas or ticks it could possibly have. She had no idea how the twins got her roped into doing this.

“But we have to get him clean, so Mommy will let us keep him.” Tommy said and at that same second Wanda came calling for them. “Oh, no! Mommy’s coming!”

Veronica and the twins turned around swiftly, blocking the view from the sink. Veronica knew Wanda probably wouldn’t be mad, but still.

“You know, I don’t miss the crying, but jeez Louise,” Wanda complained as she came inside the kitchen and put her hands on her hips. “Did you have to learn to walk? You two never stay put.” Wanda then frowned when she realized how still the three of them were. “Unless you’re innocently forming a human wall in front of the kitchen sink.”

Wanda came closer for inspection and at that moment the dog let out a small sneeze. Probably from the water or the soap. Or both. “Bless you.” Wanda said and the three simultaneously replied, “Thank you.”

Veronica winced. Oh they were totally getting caught.

Then the dog let out a small bark and Wanda shot them accusing looks. “Now tell me which one of you just barked? Scoot.” Wanda ordered with a motion of her hands and reluctantly they stepped away from the sink and Wanda gasped when she saw the dog that sat there covered in bath bubbles.

“Ronnie, what's this canine doing in my kitchen sink?” Wanda questioned as she set her sights on Veronica for being an adult.

Veronica shrugged dismissively as if she had absolutely no clue. “I don’t know. You sure you and Vision didn’t have an invisible baby that shapeshifts?”

Wanda was not amused, not fully but her words caused her to laugh just a little.

“Can we keep him, Mommy?” Billy asked.

“Well, I’m sure his owners miss him very much.” Wanda told them before picking up the dog for inspection. “Huh. There really is no collar.”

“Can we keep him?” Tommy asked. “He was outside. Crying, alone.” Billy added. Veronica nodded. “You know statistically pet’s improve family households.”

Wanda sighed. “Now, boys, taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility.” She began to stroke the dog's fur as she kept on talking and it was as if the more she talked the more she drew herself into the dog's presence. “Dogs need food, exercise, training, belly rubs, and cuddles. And kisses between his little ears.”

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