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So far I've only learned one thing. I was no longer under Wanda's control. I suppose it has something to do with going through the barrier, maybe I was starting to become immune to it. Anyway I have no idea. I don't have the equipment to run tests.

Vision was still passed out, so for the past few hours I've just been eating carnival food and watching the shows. I managed to find a spare uniform to change into, thank god because I don't think I would have been able to handle another day of wearing that stupid costume.

"There was this one time I took you with me to Oktoberfest." I told Visions still unconscious body. I sit next to him eating a cone of cotton candy. "I mean obviously you couldn't drink but you were my sober buddy since I tend to go overboard when I'm home. You took some videos and that made me learn my lesson." Never bring anyone, especially a synthezoid that's memory can never be erased, to Oktoberfest ever again.

Vision finally stirs awake. "That really worked?" I was surprised. I remember reading somewhere that if you talk to someone in a coma it could help wake them up. Vision nods groggily as he stands. "Yes, those pictures must have been scandalous."

I shrugged as I finished my cotton candy.  "You could say that."

Vision looked around with a frown plastered on his face. Taking in all of the clowns and circus act equipment. "Oh you wanna know who they are?" I questioned and answered before he could say anything. "Wanda expanded the hex after you passed out. All of these clowns work for SWORD." Stupid. But accurate.

Okay back on track. I discarded the cone and tugged on Vision. "Come on, red toaster. I need you to do something." I drag him all the way to Darcy. She was with us when the barrier went over us. But unlike me she fell under Wanda's control and I've been trying to snap her out of it but nothing seems to work.

Darcy groans when she sees me. "Not you again."

I smiled innocently. "Me again." Darcy's eyes trailed over to Vision behind me who stared at her in bewilderment. "Can I help you, creeper?"

"You don't remember me from last night?" Vision questioned and Darcy's eyes went a little wide at the implication. The misunderstanding. "We locked eyes. There was an unspoken understanding."

"Um, hard pass." Darcy denied before unlocking her chains and walking away from us. I turned to Vision. "Did I mention she's under Wanda's control?"

Vision gave me a look. "Would have been good to know."

I shrugged. "You never asked. Anyway-" I shout after Darcy. "Hey wait up!"

Vision and I rushed after her, catching up pretty quickly even though she kept running. "Hello? Excuse me. Uh, you tried to help me." Vision tells her and Darcy shakes her head. "Doubtful. I'm notoriously self-involved."

"No, no, no." Vision blocked her path. "Please. Just hear me out. All right." Darcy puts her hands on her hips and motions for him to explain which he does. "I believe that you were part of a team monitoring a supernatural anomaly. And now... Well, you're in it."

Darcy sighed, thinking this was probably either a joke or a play to get her on a date. She thought about the date. "Fine. I'll go out with you, but I'm ordering the lobster." She pushed past him and Vision sighs exasperated. I laughed at him. "For a smart dude you're really stupid." Vision glared at me in offense. I point to Darcy. "Wake her up!"

Vision caught up to Darcy and put his hands on either side of her head, using his powers to instantly wake her from Wanda's spell and she is immediately overwhelmed. "You okay Darc?" I asked, snatching a water bottle from a performer and handing it to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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