Day 2

859 15 9

TW: blood mentions, animal death

More murders were happening throughout the town, each one being described as more gruesome than the last. People had been theorizing that there was a serial cannibal on the loose, which would explain all of the bite marks and missing people.

You couldn't help but hope along the paranoia train. Nearly everyone in the town was skittish and stayed inside. As a bored unemployed person with tons of free time, you often have spontaneous thoughts like going to the library.

Today was a perfect day to visit the library, no annoying kids to bug you as you chill out and draw. Reading wasn't really your thing; you just appreciated the vibes of the library.

You quickly told your mom where you were going before putting on a nice jacket and heading out with a tote bag. The (f/c) bag held a sketchbook, some drawing supplies, and a few other things you liked to bring along with you like a snack.

On your way to the library, a small deer hopped along your path, heading into the forest. It seemed to be running in urgency, but you pushed that thought aside as you finally arrived at your destination.

By no means was the library huge, but it was large enough to get lost in. After getting into a rhythm of visiting this place, you've claimed a small spot in the corner of the place as your own. It was perfectly stationed by the window, giving enough light to focus on your drawings.

A few bookcases shielded you from being seen by anyone browsing near the entrance of the library. You sat yourself on a tiny bench with some small decorative pillows. The librarian had been kind enough to have supplied them after realizing how often you visited.

Time to finally relax and-

"Oh, (Y/N). I haven't seen you in so long!"

You could recognize Lila from anywhere, her purple hair was very obvious. She held a kind smile as she approached your spot.

"Oh, uh... Hi? Yeah, I've just been lazing around." You mumbled out in response, hands fidgeting with your sketchbook's cover.

"I get the temptation of staying in. With all of these murders happening around here, I've been wanting to just stay inside too. The only reason I came here was to say hi to you, since I saw you walk in."

With a nod, you continued to pull items out of your bag to set yourself up to draw. The silence was comfortable.

She continued,"Remember I'm always here to talk, it's scary to think you're all alone in this world... talking about that, can you see that?" Her hand pointed towards the window.

You looked out to see nothing in the blank forest.


"I could have sworn I saw eyes or something.", she mumbled.

You chuckled out," I think we're both getting a bit too paranoid for our own good. Well, if anything bad does happen to me, keep in mind that I'm your neighbor. You'll probably be the first person to hear me screaming."

Your words don't put either of you at ease, Lila shivers a bit at the idea.

"My doors are always open (Y/N)-"

"That's not a very safe practice when there's a serial killer on the loose." you joked.

She sighed, already used to your antics. Her phone began to ring, and she waved at you before taking it. Her footsteps quieted as she walked farther and farther away from you.

Something about her words stuck with you. Staring back through the cloudy window, you glared into the forest to see if you could find anything. As expected, you were just being paranoid.

You hadn't even noticed, but the sketchbook you were fiddling with had grown a few tears from how much you pulled on it. Seems that talking about murders was unhealthy, especially for your sketchbook.

After shaking your hands, a bit to untense them, you began to glide a pencil on the page. Small shapes formed bigger ones, eventually creating full images. Without even thinking, you began to draw the face of the butcher you saw prior.

His features were round and soft, yet his personality was sharp and rigid. You couldn't shake off the feeling it wasn't going to be the last time you saw him. The page was flipped to reveal another blank canvas, this time you decided to draw the small deer you saw on your way here.

The small glistening eyes of the creature seemed to stare back at you. Remembering the urgency, the animal seemed to have in your original encounter, you couldn't help but look back at the forest where it ran into.

Time was passing faster than you expected, the sun was already setting below the tops of the trees. Reds and oranges danced across the sky into a beautiful yet haunting sunset.

Every single warning on the news was followed by the words "don't be out at night" and you had been such an idiot to forget.

Your belongings were all messily shoved into the tote bag as you scrambled your way out of the library. Thankfully, your home wasn't too far away in the first place.

Nobody was on the sidewalk; the streets were deprived of cars. The silence of the growing night was filled with your rapid footsteps trying to get home before it fully became dark.

As your home came into view, you let out a sigh of relief. A small brown and red thing was laying by the door of your house which you didn't recognize.

Your pace slowed to a walk as you tried to figure out what it was.

When you finally got close enough, you realized the red pouring from it was blood. Maroon was pouring out of the animal's carcass and leaking into the floorboards of the house.

Small lifeless black eyes stared back at you, belonging to the deer you saw earlier. It hadn't died of natural means; slashes were arranged on its body in a short message reading

Hi :)

The Butchery | Bob Velseb x Gender Neutral Reader [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now