Night 2 pt. 2| Confrontation

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Cell connection had often been bad in your community, it didn't bother you or your mother too much because you never relied too heavily on your phones. This was the one circumstance where you wished you had actually bought at-home Wi-Fi.

The emergency line was pulled up on your phone, but it was never picked up, your cell connection preventing anyone from answering. It took at least five tries to get a response.

"Hello this is the emergency response unit, what's your issue?"

Your breath was shaky, screams could still be heard from inside your neighbor's house. "I think my neighbor is getting attacked. There was someone who I could have sworn was holding a knife outside."

"Take a deep breath, the police are on their way. Make sure to lock your doors and-"


Something was thrown straight through the window you were looking outside of shards of glass sprayed across your face. Small amounts of blood were drawn in tiny cuts.

"Hello? Are you okay?", the phone continued speaking but you were beginning to go into a state or half shock, half confusion. The wall across from you had a hole in it from the throne object.

You peeked over at what the projectile was, and it was none other than a brick from your patio.

Your patio.

Adrenaline rushed through your veins as soon as you connected this situation in a way that made sense. Whoever the hell was attacking your neighbor, was heading for your house next.

"MOM WAKE UP!", you shouted loudly, ignoring the fact a perpetrator might be close enough to hear you. Maybe if they knew there was more than one person in the house, they might decide to not risk it?

Sleepy grumbles emanated from her room in confusion. Crunching could be heard from behind you.

Your head darted back to stare at the broken window, a large and looming figure of a stranger filled the space. No longer were you able to see your neighbor's house.

Instincts kicked in and you grabbed for the thrown brick, still lodged into the wall. The stranger was dressed in what seemed to be some sort of Halloween costume. A large smile grew onto his face when you held up the brick as a weapon.

"D-don't get any closer! I already called the cops so you should just run."

That didn't seem to deter him, instead his smile somehow grew even bigger.

There was a strange silence filled with your mother in the other room, getting up. You needed to stop her from getting into danger. "Mom, stay away. I can take care of this."

You knew this was a lie, but you were unable to think of any other way to comfort her. The demon mask tilted as he grew closer. A shimmer of metal grew from behind his back, growing into the shape of a pre-bloodied knife.

'Oh god I'm gonna die here, aren't I? There's no way I can beat this man up with a fucking brick. He has a goddamned knife (Y/N), the best bet is to run... But if I run, I'll leave mom behind.'

"Did you know, when you eat the skin and nails off of your fingers, that is considered autocannibalism~", his voice was deep and similar to a growl.

There was a very apparent joy in his voice, some sort of sick pleasure from this situation. Loud footsteps grew closer to you, causing your heartbeat to run a million miles per hour.

"What do you want?", you continued the tough act. Nobody wants to die a pussy, especially you.

"What do I want? You don't want to know that darlin~"

"Wh- the fuck does that mean? If I'm gonna die, I at least get to know what you want before I do. What kind of serial killer are you?", your voice remained shaky, despite your words not showing an ounce of fear.

Then something unexpected happened, your perpetrator began to burst into laughter. It was even the giggly kind; he just fell to the floor grasping his stomach in a deep and rumbly laughter. This was the perfect opportunity to run the hell away.

You made a dash for your mom's room, pulling her out of it and running towards the front door. Police sirens could be heard a few blocks away, finally.

You continued to run towards the welcoming noise of the sirens.

Eventually the lights of police cars came into sight, and you slowed to a halt. Your mother was still extremely confused, panting alongside you.

Officers stepped out of the vehicles, raising their eyebrows at your disheveled and sleep-deprived appearance. "There's a dude with a knife in my house. I think he stabbed my neighbor." was the simple statement you gave them, adrenaline slowly leaving your system.

The two main cops nodded and went into your house, taking around thirty minutes give or take. A different and much larger group of cops entered your neighbor's house, investigating if they were killed.

The two cops in your house came out with nobody in their stead. One with light brown hair began to speak," He isn't in your house anymore kid, but we were able to retrieve some evidence of his break in. We haven't gotten reports about your neighbor's house yet."

The taller of the two cops lead you and your mother to their car, ushering you in. They assured you it was much safer to stay at the station than in your house. There was no reason for you to distrust these people, so you simply compiled.

The cushy seats in the car welcomed you as you finally delved into a deep yet restless sleep, alongside your mother. 

The Butchery | Bob Velseb x Gender Neutral Reader [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now