Night 2 | Paranoia

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Paranoia was running even more rampant throughout town, including through your own household. The decaying corpse of a poor deer seemed to push your mother over the edge of hysteria. She paced the room, scratching her bare arms raw.

"Who would even do that? During a time like this when people are already so scared? It must have been some cruel prankster." Her ramblings have been going on for hours.

It wasn't like she was the reason you couldn't sleep; you were just getting a bit sick of the nonstop chatter. The image of the deer's lifeless eyes flashed into your mind whenever you seemed to slightly calm down, sending you back into a spiral of sleeplessness.

"Mom, It's probably those teens in town. You know? The ding-dong-ditchers and prank callers you always complain about. I promise it's nobody dangerous."

Despite your words having nothing to back them up, your mother slowed her pace a bit and relaxed. "You're right sweety, It's probably nothing. Let's just make sure we lock everything up tonight. You can never be too careful on days like these."

You followed her around the house as you checked all the locks in the house. She passed by the window without a second glance, forgetting to double-check its lock. You decide to check it for her.

The lock on the window was battered up, unlike how you last remembered it. It was still functional, but it was unlocked.

"Hey mom, did you ever open the window today?" Your voice had an accidental shake in it. Nervousness was very apparent in your words.

Silence spread throughout the house.

"... What do you mean?" She walked back over to the window to inspect the lock. She continued her words," I haven't opened this window since Summer..."

You leaned in to look at the lock once again. Small, dried flakes could be seen on it, they were reminiscent of the blood you saw earlier. Whoever decided to play that awful prank on you seemed to have messed with the locks.

That meant they found a way inside.

"Mom, I think we need to call the police. The locks have been tampered with and somebody needs to be inside to be able to do that. That means-"

"No, no... I must have done that by accident." She reasoned, obviously in denial that her life was in danger.

"Mom listen I-"

"The blood on there is probably from when we buried that poor creature, must have gotten on my hands."

Anytime you tried to reason with her, she rebutted with some statement about how it was probably her fault.

Maybe you were being paranoid. For all you know, this was all a coincidence. (except for the deer part, none of that could have been a coincidence.)

"We'll call the police in the morning (Y/N), how about that? This has been too stressful for me; I just need a short nap."

It was the least you could do.

"Alright... "

And so, you watched her walk off into her room. After a few minutes spent, deciding what to do, you decided to stay up and keep watch over the house. It would be a death wish to go to sleep alongside your mother if someone were truly in your house.

You positioned yourself next to a window, staring outside and holding your phone close. 911 was on speed-dial. Heaviness hit your eyes after an hour or so of waiting.

A flash of something shiny could be seen in the distance.

You rubbed your eyes when trying to zone them into what just moved. It seemed shiny, silver-like.

Suddenly, your eyes were no longer drooping, and energy flooded through your veins. The shine was seen again, this time a bit stronger. It could be seen right outside of your neighbor's house, the opposite side of Lila's house.

Shine, shine, shine.

Light bounced off of something sharp. The light suddenly disappeared again, leaving you alone with your racing heartbeat and rapid-fire thoughts.

Was that a knife?

Then, there was a scream.


The Butchery | Bob Velseb x Gender Neutral Reader [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now