Day 3 | Festival

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"Reports say there is a serial murderer running rampant throughout the city. A city resident, Robin Meyers, was found dead in their home, stabbed to death. The perpetrator then broke into a neighbor's house to attempt and attack them too. Remember to lock all of your doors and-"

The tv in the police station waiting room was blaring the same story on repeat, reminding you nonstop of what went down the night prior.

The two police, who had introduced themselves as Sheriff John and Deputy Jack, walked into the room. A large stack of papers was in Jack's hands, his black hair frizzed up from stress.

"It would be in your best interest to stay at the police station for the time being, once we've actually caught the perpetrator, you can go back to everyday life.", a few of the papers were crumpled in his hands, seemingly out of frustration.

You were a bit dizzy from the indirect statement that the murderer was still free and roaming your neighborhood.

"You haven't caught them yet?"

The brown-haired officer nodded and showed a few printed out pictures to you. "These pictures are taken from some of the local security cameras. Whoever it was, they were wearing a mask. We won't be able to catch them too easily, unless we find some sort of DNA link at the crime scene."

You shouldn't blame the cops, they were obviously trying their best, but you couldn't help but get a bit angry. "There have already been tons of murders in this town, we can't risk waiting around for another one to happen."

It seems they both agreed, their eyes showed sympathy.

"We apologize for the stress, it's our job to protect the town."

And with that, they left you alone with your thoughts. Your mother was off doing her own thing and talking away with one of her officer friends in the other room. Her chatter could be heard through the thin walls.

You rested your head against the wall your chair was leant against. Darkness consumed you into a very needed nap.

The nap continued until you were unceremoniously awoken to the noise of two rowdy little kids.

"(Y/N)!!!! You're alive!!! Congratulations!!"

"Yeah congrats!!!"

After rubbing your eyes awake, you looked down to see Skid and Pump jumping around. Lila was nervously standing to the side, holding a basket of assorted goods.

"Boys! You don't say congratulations to someone in this sort of situation!", She scolded and looked over at you. "Oh, I got you this as a way to say I'm glad you're okay."

The basket was weaved out of straw, holding assorted flavors of your favorite snack and a bottle of water. You hadn't noticed how parched your throat was until you opened the water and chugged it immediately.

"Thanks Lila." You muttered in a half-sleepy state.

Skid and Pump continued to run around the room playing tag as you talked to Lila about what happened. She mentioned having to babysit Pump for a day since his mother was out visiting a friend.

"Yeah! Make sure you check all of your locks; we noticed out locks were messed with earlier in the day, but we ignored it."

Lila gasped, "OH, that's so scary. I couldn't imagine being in your situation."

"Yeah, it kinda sucks to be honest. I wish I could just be carefree right now..."

Her eyes lit up at that sentence. "Maybe we can do something today to get your mind off of things. Nobody would dare attack you if you were in a group, we could go to the Halloween festival today!"

The Butchery | Bob Velseb x Gender Neutral Reader [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now