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Jennie opened the door to her daughter's room and spotted Ri laying on the bed , awake but she isn't moving like she's paralyzed for a minute .

"Ri?" Jennie called worried and Ri blinked and slowly turned to her mother . Jennie rushed inside and sat on the bed side .

"Ri get up" Jennie said and helped her four years old daughter and Ri slowly got up and leaned on the headrest .

"What happened?" Jennie asked

"I'm not feeling well today mummy" Ri said and she isn't lying , she looked devastated and miserable . And all the colors has been drained from her bright face .

"Oh no I will but for you medicine" Jennie said

"Mummy please don't go , I will feel better if you stay here" Ri said

"Darling try to understand , I have work and I promised you that I will stay with you after I come back" Jennie said and Ri nodded .

"I will tell Lisa to bring for you some hot chicken soup and you will be staying home from school only today" Jennie said and Ri nodded once again . Jennie smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead and left downstairs and saw Lisa downstairs .

"Lisa I'm going to work" Jennie said putting on her blazer .

"Okay" Lisa said back

"And oh Ri is sick so prepare her a hot chicken soup and take care of her until I come back with the medicine" Jennie said

"Okay" Lisa said back and Jennie walked out followed by a slam of the door .

"Ah you're here" Taehyung said as a young pretty woman came in like a good mannered and respectful lady .

"Yes I am otherwise why will I be here?" Jennie said rolling her eyes but Taehyung let her be as he thinks she's kinda cute .

"Follow me" He said sitting up , fixing his blazer and the eyes of Lu Jennie never seemed to left his figure though the brows are furrowed .

"To where?" Jennie asked

"To introduce you to the employees of Kim Cooperation" Taehyung said

"What?" Jennie asked , her lips parted in shock which made her look too adorable by the way . Taehyung couldn't help but licked his lips a bit .

"You heard me" He said and Jennie looked at him really annoyed .

"Yes I did , but I don't think this is the right time" Jennie said and Taehyung snorted .

"It is and anyway the employees are already in acting studio" Taehyung said walking over to Jennie .

"But I-" Jennie started but she got interrupted by Taehyung .

"No complaints , it will be fine" Taehyung said and walked out of the office and Jennie did nothing but to sigh helplessly before following Taehyung .

"Good morning everyone" Taehyung greeted as he stood on the stage , his hands in his pockets with a nervous Jennie by his side .

"Good morning Minister Kim" Everyone greeted back and looked at the new comer , Jennie was looking too anxious .

"Do you know why I called all of you here?" Taehyung asked

"No" Everyone chorused back

"I called you here to introduce someone and therefore she's also a important part of this company" Taehyung said and Jennie blinked . Eh ? Did this man just said a important part of this company ? .

"She's the chief actress and will be the boss of this department so please welcome Miss Lu Jennie" Taehyung said and everyone clapped along with him and Jennie smiled a little , sensing that her anxiousness is going .

"So Miss Lu , will you like to give a few words to the company for achieving this position?" Taehyung asked , facing Jennie and she stared at him but nodded anyway .

"And also she will working with me in my office" Taehyung said before giving some space for Jennie . And Jennie felt her body got stiffened as she heard those words .

Everyone clapped .

Shameless Man . Did he think it's necessary to say I'm working with him in his office ? What if everyone got the wrong idea ? . Jennie thought .

And no one didn't seem to notice .

That's weird because he has a fiancée .

Or is the world blind ?

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