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Jennie sighed . If she still refuses to go with him , he will surely create a scene here and she will get pressured .

Jennie nodded . "Okay.....but just this once"

"Thank you so much , let's go" Kai said

"Wait ..... I think I have to tell Minster Kim about this" Jennie said and Kai looked at her .

"Jennie it's just for a few minutes , and I think he will surely mind since you're a beauty" Kai said . Jennie felt disgusted when Kai called her a beauty .

"Fine" She agreed again and left the company with Kai .

"There's a cafe across the street" Kai said and said no more after that .

Soon after , they are sitting down next to
the window in the cafe eating some snacks and pastries .

"So how are you doing?" Kai asked , trying to make a conversation .

"If you're doing this to make me come back to you , it's not working" Jennie said and Kai shook his head .

"Nope" He said with sincere eyes .

"Well bad" Jennie said . "I have to take care of a child"

"Yeah what's her name again?" Kai asked .

"Tae Ri" Jennie said and Jai nodded .

"Nice name" Kai complimented and Jennie nodded . This is getting a bit awkward .

"Why are you still single after all these years?" Jennie asked .

"Ms Lu it's just four years" Kai said and chuckled . Jennie didn't laugh , thinking that his joke wasn't funny .

"Now you hurt my feelings" Kai said and Jennie turned to him . Her face was really indescribable ; anger , hurt , love , sadness , and hatred .

They are all in her face ! . Jennie has really suffered so much after this traitor broke her heart as if she was a bag of trash.

"Then your feelings that are hurt is not comparable to mine after what you've done to me" Jennie said and left the cafe ignoring Kai's calls .

'Stupid man'

Jennie entered the office and met the man who she doesn't even want to face . Ri and Jisoo are asleep cuddling each other on the couch .

Taehyung grabbed her hand and led her out of the office and stared at her .

"Where.have.you.been?" Taehyung asked, anger was surely in his tone . Jennie didn't feel scared at all .

"That's none of your business" She said back and Taehyung looked stunned for a moment .

"Then pack your things from my office" He said .

"Yes I will , in fact I'm so happy that I will be finally away from you" Jennie said and Taehyung's eyes flashed hurt and anger .

"Go to the acting department , your iffive will be waiting for you and if you can't find it , ask someone" Taehyung said and walked away from there .

Jennie was stunned for a moment . Did he just got rid of her ? .

Anyway why will she care ? . She entered the office and grabbed her things . She wanted to take Ri as well but seeing her sleeping face forbade her to do it .

Jennie walked out of the office and angrily entered her department . Everyone looked at her . A girl came to her .

"Hello Ms Lu , I'm Chaeyoung" She said and Jennie smiled .

"I will be your secretary and I will show you my office , come with me please" Chaeyoung said and Jennie followed her .

They entered a very posh office .

"Like it?" Chaeyoung asked

They Are Meant To Love Each Other  ||  Taennie Adaptation Where stories live. Discover now