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Jennie didn't go that too far . She just drove her car and parked in front of a pharmacy and walked out .

Chou Han also parked his car , a little bit far from Jennie's and walked out stealthily .

Jennie stopped walking and looked around and that made Chou Han hid behind some empty trash cans .

Jennie thought for a while and thought that somebody was following her . She shrugged and entered the pharmacy .

"Hello I will like to buy a medicine for little children , for fever" Jennie said and Chou Han who was hiding behind the wall outside the shop , almost choked and fainted upon hearing Jennie's words .

A medicine for little children ?

Can you be more specific Miss Lu Jennie ? .

So she has a child !!! .

Chou Han wanted to faint on those necessary explanations . He doesn't know how his boss will react to this . He will kill him .

Chou Han left and Jennie got out of the store and entered her car and drove off .

Jennie walked in the house and saw Lisa sleeping on the couch . Jennie shook her head and walked upstairs into Ri's room .

"Ri dear?" Jennie called out and saw her daughter sitting up straight on the bed reading a book .

"Oh mummy you're back already" Ri said as soon as she saw her mother and dropped her book .

"Yep how are you?" Jennie said and sat down on the bed

"A little bit better" Ri said

"Did Lisa feed you the soup?" Jennie asked

"Yes" Ri answered

"Hmm I've brought the medicine" Jennie said and opened the packet of medicine and poured it into a small cup and placed it in Ri's direction .

Ri smiled and drank the medicine and gave back the cup to Jennie , who smiled as well .

"Good girl" Jennie said and ruffled Ri's hair while the small latter giggled .

"Hmm I think it's time for a bath" Jennie said and Ri clapped her hands as her mother carried her .

"Let's go" Jennie said playfully and they entered the bathroom .

Jennie gave Ri a bubble bath and there was a splashing here and there but Jennie didn't care , she loves to spend time with her cute daughter .

They finished and Jennie made Ri put on her pajamas .

"Are you hungry dear , shall I make something for you before you go to bed?" Jennie asked

"Yes" Ri answered

"What would you like?" Jennie asked as she tickled Ri .

"Nothing , just a bowl of porridge" Ri said

"Will you like it with strawberries?" Jennie asked

"Mmm" Ri hummed and Jennie took it as a yes .

"Alright stay cozy , I will be right back" Jennie said and left the room . She went downstairs and spotted Lisa wide awake and in her pjs along with eating steak .

"Hey" Lisa said

"Hello" Jennie said as she waved to Lisa on her way to the kitchen . She prepared a hot bowl of porridge with strawberries on top . She brought it to her daughter .

"Here" Jennie said and Ri opened her mouth . Jennie fed Ri and by the time she finished , Ri was tired . She yawned .

"Are you tired?" Jennie said

"Yes" Ri said as she tucked herself into the blanket and Jennie kissed her on the cheek and left the room .

Jennie walked the dishes and went to her room .

It has been a tough day .

Especially with that Joy around .


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