Chapter Five

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"That's fine

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"That's fine." I said confidently, this was my chance to shine, I loved how I looked and the general public would too. "So Florence Lannister yes?" The woman says as the camera went on. "Yes." I said trying to look regal. "Can you tell us what happened in your makeover today?" She said urging me to continue. "They put layers in my hair, it feels softer, they also covered me in this vanilla lotion, apparently it's the Princes favourite smell. They also done my nails, I love the colour." I say presenting them to the camera. She laughed. "It is lovely. And that dress really suits you." "Thank you, I've never seen anything like it! I feel like a queen in this I honestly hope I get dresses like this everyday!" I say laughing, eyes lighting up, I think I'm more here for the dresses than the prince. "That's right," my interviewer said. "You're one of only three Fives in the Selection. How has this experience been so far?" She doesn't look like she's really listening. "Well it's been a huge change, this room is bigger than my whole house, it's honestly been amazing i'm starstruck!" I reply honestly, no point lying to the press. "How do you feel about your competition so far?" She says, barely listening again. "I like all four of the girls I entered with, even the ones none of the rest like. I think I have truly made a friendship." I say smiling. "So how do you feel about the way your makeover turned out? Worried about anyone else's look?" I considered that. To say no sounded snotty, to say yes sounded needy. "I think the staff has done a great job bringing out each girl's individual beauty." She smiled and said, "All right, I think that'll be enough." "That's all?" "We have to fit thirty-five of you into an hour and a half, so that will be plenty." "Okay." That was fun, I could get used to this."Thank you for your time. You can head over to that couch over there, and you'll be taken care of."

I stood and went to sit on the large circular couch in the corner. Two girls I had yet to meet were sitting there, talking quietly. I looked around the room and saw someone announcing that the last batch was heading in. A new flurry began around the stations. I was focused on it and almost didn't notice Marlee sit down beside me. "Marlee! Look at your hair!" "I know. They put extensions in it. Do you think Maxon will like it?" She looked genuinely worried. "Of course! What guy doesn't like a gorgeous blonde?" I said with a playful smile. "Florence, you're so nice. All those people at the airport loved you." "Oh, I was just being friendly. You met people, too," I countered. "Yeah, but not half as many as you."
I lowered my head, a little embarrassed for being complimented over something that seemed so obvious, Will the girls hold that against me?When I looked up, I turned to the other two girls sitting with us. Emmica Brass and Samantha Lowell and I hadn't been introduced, but I knew who they were. I did a double take. They were looking at me funny. Before I had time to guess why, Silvia, the woman from earlier, approached us. "All right, girls, are we all ready?" She checked her watch and looked at us expectantly. "I'm going to give you a quick tour and take you to your assigned rooms." Marlee clapped her hands, and the four of us rose to leave. Silvia told us the space we were currently using to get pampered was the Women's Room. Usually the queen, her maids, and the handful of other female family members entertained themselves there. "Get used to that room-you'll be spending a lot of time there. Now, on your way in you passed the Great Room, which is generally used for parties and banquets. If there were too many more of you ladies here, that's where you'd be taking your meals. But the regular dining room is large enough to meet your needs. Let's take a quick step in there." We were shown where the royal family ate, at a table alone. We would be seated at long tables to either side, so the setup looked like a very stiff U. Our places were currently assigned, set with elegant place markers. I would be sitting next to Celeste and Kriss Ambers, a girl who I met in the woman's room. Honestly not the worst.

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