Chapter 13

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WELL GREAT. I'm stuck in the movie theatre, he carried me here how the fuck am I meant to get out? "Are you alright miss?" The guard says after maxon leaves. "This is embarrassing, I broke my leg earlier and I left my crutch in my room, is it okay if you help me to my room?" I say and the guard comes towards me. "Sure." He says before helping me up. "Wait, your the officer I danced with last night." I say and he smiles. "Yep, you were really drunk." He says chuckling. "God is that common knowledge now." I say putting my head in my hands. "All of us guards think you were the life of the party don't worry." He says winking. "Thank god." I say laughing. "Your aspen." I say as we head up the stairs, his supporting my back as I hobble along. "And your Florence." He says back. "Your one of the nicer guards." I say and he laughs. "Oh please." He says trying to act flattered. "What's the deal with you and America?" I say and his head shoots up. "What do you mean?" He says quickly. "Your the aspen from her Province." I say and his face goes stern. "Where did you get that information." "Drunk girls talk." I say and he forces a smile. "What else did she say?" He says as we get to my room. "Thanks for the help Officer Leger." I say closing my door. He looks enraged.

Friday arrived, and with that came our debut on the Illea Capital Report. It was something that was required of us, but at least this week all we had to do was sit there. With the time difference, we'd go on at five, sit through the hour, and then go off to dinner. I wanted to look amazing for this. This is the first time the public would properly see me, I wanted to look royal. Nicole, grace and Poppy worked hard to make me look like this, I was kitted out in the most beautiful dress, it was a bright yellow, odd choice but it made me stand out, it was a low neck but had a beautiful skirt, I looked amazing if I do say so myself. My hair was put up in a minimalistic manner, it was pulled out of my face but my hair was still flowing. I put on a gorgeous gold necklace with red rose earrings.

And, exactly like myself, I found that I was covered in a sheen of sweat as I walked down to the room where they recorded messages at the palace

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And, exactly like myself, I found that I was covered in a sheen of sweat as I walked down to the room where they recorded messages at the palace. They'd told us to be there ten minutes early. Ten minutes meant 15 to me. It meant more like three to someone like Celeste. So the arrival of the girls was staggered.
Hordes of people were swarming around, putting the last touches on the set-which now held rows of tiered seating for the Selected. The council members who I recognized from years of watching the Report were there, reading over their scripts and adjusting their ties. The Selected crowd were checking themselves in mirrors and tugging at their extravagant dresses. It was a flurry of activity. I turned and caught the briefest of moments in Maxon's life. His mother, the beautiful Queen Amberly, pushed some stray hairs back into place. He straightened his jacket and said something to her. She gave a reassuring nod, and Maxon smiled. I would have watched a little longer, but Silvia, in all her glory, came to escort me into place. "Just head over to the risers, Lady Florence," she said. "You may sit anywhere you like. So you know, most of the girls have already claimed the front row." She looked sorry for me, as if she were delivering bad news. It was bad news, I didn't get kitted out for nothing, luckily I snagged the last seat in the front. I didn't like climbing the little steps with a snug dress and such strappy shoes, especially with a crutch. But I managed. When I saw Marlee come in, she smiled and waved and came to sit right behind to me. It meant a great deal to me that she chose a place near me as opposed to a spot in the last row with America. She was faithful. She'd make a great queen. Her dress was a brilliant yellow. With her blond hair and sun-kissed skin, she looked like she was radiating light into the room. I thought I would stand out in my yellow but looks like everyone else had the same idea. "Marlee, I love that dress. You look fantastic!" "Oh, thank you." She blushed. "I thought it might be a bit too much." "Not at all! Trust me, it's perfect on you. It looks like we went for the same colour!" I say faking a smile. "I've wanted to speak to you, but you've been missing. Do you think we could talk tomorrow?" she asked in a whisper. "Of course. In the Women's Room, right? It's Saturday," I said in a matched tone. "Okay," she answered excitedly.

Just next to me, Amy turned around. "I feel like my pins are falling out. Can you guys check them?" Without a word, Marlee put her slim fingers in the curls of Amy's hair and checked for loose pins. "That feel better?" Amy sighed. "Yes, thank you." "Florence, is there lipstick on my teeth?" Zoe asked. I turned to my left and found her smiling maniacally, exposing all her pearly whites. "No, you're good," I answered, seeing out of the corner of my eye that Marlee was nodding in confirmation. "Thanks. How is he so calm?" Zoe asked, pointing over at Maxon, who was talking to a member of the crew. She then bent down and put her head between her legs and started doing controlled breathing. Marlee and I looked at each other, eyes wide with amusement, and tried not to laugh. It was hard if we looked at Zoe, so we surveyed the room and chatted about what others were wearing. There were several girls in seductive reds and lively greens, but no one else in yellow other than Marlee. Olivia had gone so far as to wear orange. I'd admit that I didn't know that much about fashion, but Marlee and I both agreed that someone should have intervened on her behalf. The color made her skin look kind of green. Two minutes before the cameras turned on, we realized it wasn't the dress making her look green. Olivia vomited into the closest trash can very loudly and collapsed on the floor. Silvia swooped in, and a fuss was made to wipe the sweat off her and get her into a seat. She was placed in the back row with a small receptacle at her feet, just in case. Bariel was in the seat in front of her. I couldn't hear what she muttered to the poor girl from where I was, but it looked like Bariel was prepared to injure Olivia should she have another episode near her. I guessed that Maxon had seen or heard some of the commotion, and I looked over to see if he was having any sort of reaction to it all. But he wasn't looking toward the disturbance; he was looking at me. He winked and quickly turned to someone else, that must have meant something good. But I couldn't focus on that. I saw him and America, he tugged his ear, she done the same. Is that some sort of code?

Suddenly the anthem music was playing, and I could see the national emblem on tiny screens around the room. I shifted to sit up straighter. All I could think was that my family was going to see me tonight, and I wanted them to be proud. King Clarkson was at the podium speaking about the brief and unsuccessful attack on the palace. I wouldn't have called it unsuccessful. It managed to scare the daylights out of most of us. Announcement after announcement came, and I tried to be aware of everything they said, but it was hard. I was used to watching this on a comfy couch with bowls of popcorn and family commentary. Many of the announcements tied into the rebels, placing blame for certain things on their shoulders. The roads being built in Sumner were behind schedule because of the rebels, and the number of local officers in Atlin was down because they'd been sent to help with a rebel-caused disturbance in St. George. I had no idea either of those things had happened. Between everything I'd heard and seen growing up and what I'd learned since coming to the palace, I began to wonder just how much we knew about the rebels. Maybe I just didn't understand, but I didn't think they could be blamed for everything that was wrong with Illea And then, as if he had appeared out of thin air, Gavril was walking on set after being introduced by the Master of Events. "Good evening, everyone. Tonight I have a special announcement. The Selection has been going for a week now and eight ladies have already gone home, leaving twenty-seven beautiful women for Prince Maxon to choose from. Next week, by hook or by crook, the majority of the Illea Capital Report will be dedicated to getting to know these amazing young women." I felt the little beads of sweat pooling on my temple. Sit here and look nice, I could do that. But the questions made me nervous, would they ask about things i wouldn't know the answer to, I didn't want to make a fool of myself in-front of the country.

"Before we get to the ladies, tonight let's take a moment with the man of the hour. How are you tonight, Prince Maxon?" Gavril said, walking across the stage. Maxon had been ambushed. He didn't have a microphone or prepared answers. Just before Gavril's microphone reached Maxon's face, I caught his eye and gave him a wink. That tiny action was enough to make him smile. "I'm very well, Gavril, thank you." "Are you enjoying your company so far?" "Yes! It's been a pleasure getting to know these ladies." "Are they all the sweet, gentle ladies they appear to be?" Gavril asked. Before Maxon replied, the answer brought a smile to my face. Because I knew that it was yes ... sort of. "Umm..." Maxon looked past Gavril at someone behind me. "Almost." "Almost?" Gavril asked, surprised. He turned to us. "Is someone over there being naughty?" Mercifully, all the girls let out light giggles, including me, trying to see who wasn't laughing. Guess who, America. "What exactly did these girls do that isn't so sweet?" Gavril asked Maxon. "Oh, well, let me tell you." Maxon crossed his legs and got very comfortable in his chair. It was probably the most relaxed I'd ever seen him, "One of them had the nerve to yell at me rather forcefully the first time we met. I was given a very severe scolding." Above Maxon's head, the king and queen exchanged a glance. It seemed they were hearing this story for the first time, too. Beside me the girls were looking at one another, confused. I didn't get it until Marlee said something. "I don't remember anyone yelling at him in the Great Room. Do you?" "No." I say trying to suppress the jealousy radiating off me.

"A scolding, you say? Whatever for?" Gavril continued. "Honestly, I wasn't really sure. I think it was a bout of homesickness. Which is why I forgave her, of course." Maxon was loose and easy now, talking to Gavril as if he were the only person in the room. I'd have to tell him later how wonderful he did. "So she's still with us, then?" Gavril looked over at the collection of girls, grinning widely, and then returned to face his prince. "Oh, yes. She's still here," Maxon said, not letting his eyes wander from Gavril's face. "And I plan on keeping her here for quite a while."

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