Chapter 11 | Let Him See

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May 13th, 2019

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May 13th, 2019.
Grand Ridge Plaza, Highlands.

Saying things is different from doing things.

She wanted to follow Blaine's advice and dress fancy to impress a certain someone, but she felt like the world weighed on her shoulders. 

Besides, what if Lucifer thinks she's a monster? 

The plump, white-haired woman hid behind clothes racks in a store. Her sore knees were slightly bent, so she was shorter than the clothing line. The pale woman's arms, tightly wrapped around a light blue purse, hugged her chest. 

The leather purse was pressed under her breasts to be more comfortable.

River wanted to be more confident, so she did the unthinkable and wore something she had never worn before.

A thigh-length, white silk pencil skirt with a strawberry pink blouse with strawberries outlining her breasts and showing cleavage. 

The woman's lacking confidence made her hide from anyone she recognized in public. 

Locking herself away or being alone was second nature. People who recognized her glared daggers at her wherever she went, and some even refused service!

She thought she saw Lucifer wandering around the clothing shop, one of the few shops to allow her inside, and she knew he had to be looking for her. 

How does she know? 

This was a women's clothing shop.

Crouching like a goblin, she hobbled towards the store's front entrance and hurriedly escaped without being seen. 

Since Blaine told her Lucifer was her soulmate, she's fought hard against the idea. 

She wasn't 100% sure it was even a thing, though all the recent events were beginning to prove it.

River has been avoiding any human contact for the past few days. With people thinking she's a murderer and just being plain overwhelmed, escaping people made her feel safer. 

However, she has found it nearly impossible to hide from Blaine.

"Go back to the store."

She groaned when an internal voice hissed between teeth in the back of her mind. The few times she heard this voice, she listened to it as if it were the words of god. But now, it was working against her. 

River swore she was going insane because this voice continuously howled commands at her.

"Go back to the store."

River continued to ignore the voice as she rushed down the street, still clutching her baby blue purse under her breasts. 

As she hurried down the street, her heart did a triple summersault when she noticed a tall man in the crowd. She skidded to a stop. 

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