4. And Here We Are

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 ''You disgraced yourself at dinner parading that creature before the Stark girl." Roose hissed. Theon greyjoy, Reek, Ramsay's pet project. Obedient yet but he was despicable.

''And if it's a boy?' Ramsay spat back. Roose chuckled looking back at him.

''You're worried about your position."

"My position is quite clear. I'm your son until a better alternative comes along." Ramsay spat back.

''You've never asked me about your mother." Roose remarked.

''Why would I? She had me, she died. And here we are.'' Ramsay huffed out.

''She was a peasant girl. Pretty in a common sort of way." Roose remarked ''She was the miller's wife. Apparently they had married without my knowledge or consent. So I had him hanged and I took her beneath the tree where he was swaying. She fought me the whole time." Roose informed him, his eyes never wavering away from Ramsay. ''She was lucky I didn't hang her, too. A year later she came to my gates with a squalling baby in her arms. A baby she claimed was mine. I nearly had her whipped and the child thrown in the river. But then I looked at you and I saw then what I see now." Roose told him as he brought a hand to Ramsay's shoulder. ''You are my son.''

Ramsay didn't know what to say. Beat and raped his mother yet spared him. Saw himself in a little babes eyes. Did Roose know that Ramsay would turn out as twisted as he is now. Ramsay shouldn't have felt pride in that. His mother was raped, beaten, dead. But he felt a wash of pride in his twisted mind.

"What of Natasha? Nasiya's mother?" Ramsay asked curiously. "She was always kind to me... how did you acquire her?"

"She fucked me and tried to steal from me." Roose remarked. "I told her she was brave and stupid. She fucked me again and again until I forgot why I was mad. She made me laugh, sung a song, she had a lovely voice..."

"I recall. Nas sounds like her at times." Ramsay remarked. 

"She does.' Roose agreed. "I asked if she was going to try and steal from me again and she said she was much to tried to even move from the bed. Perhaps she would try again after a good nights sleep and I asked her to marry me. Told her she wouldnt need steal, I would take care of her." 

What a difference in mothers. Ramsay's mother was raped. Nasiya's mother seduced Roose into submission. No wonder Ramsay was as he was and Nasiya so sweet. 

''So.... Stannis Baratheon has an army at Castle black. But he won't stay for long." Roose remarked getting back on track. "He wants the Iron Throne, and the road to King's Landing comes right through Winterfell. He means to take the North. But the North is ours. It's yours and mine. Will you help me defeat him?" Roose questioned. Without hesitation Ramsay answered



''Forgive me, Lord Baelish, you have a reputation as a moneylender and a brothel keeper, not a military man. You wouldn't risk a single Lannister soldier or a single coin from the royal treasury. What do you have to lose? A brothel keeper? And if you succeed?'' Cersei asked

''Name me Warden of the North.'' Petyr offered

''I'll speak to the king this evening, have him issue a royal decree.'' Cersei informed him

''I'll not rest until the lion flies over Winterfell.'' Petyr assured

'' And I'll know you're a man of your word when I see Sansa Stark's head on a spike.'' Cersei spat.

''As I said... I live to serve. ''


''What do you want?''

'Lord Ramsay sent me to draw you a bath, my lady.'' Myranda remarked coming into Sansa's room. ''You want to be clean and fresh for your new husband, don't you?'' Sansa agreed. Sinking into the tub Myranda cleaned at her hair. ''You're so beautiful, but you need to keep him happy. Ramsay gets bored easily.' Myranda informed her. ''You don't want to end up like-- well, like the others.'' Myranda told her innocently but Sansa couldn't see her wicked grin.

''What others?" Sansa questioned.

''I shouldn't gossip." Myranda remarked pulling gently at her hair the dye coming free. ''Oh, it's good to see the red again. No point hiding anymore.''

''What others?'' Sansa requested again

''Let's see, there was Kyra the blacksmith's daughter. She was tall like you, lovely figure. But she talked and talked and talked and Ramsay grew tired of that. Then there was Violet. She had gorgeous blonde hair. But she got pregnant. And, well, that was boring" Myranda told her smugly. ''Then Tansy. Such a sweet girl. Of course, sweet girls get a bit dull after a while, don't they?'' Sansa stayed quiet. ''Ramsay let me come with him on that hunt.' Myranda added sweetly.


''Mmm." Myranda's grip got a little tighter on her hair ''Have you ever seen a body after the dogs have been at it? Not so pretty.'' Myranda remarked. ''But, well, it's your wedding day. Why am I talking about such things?'' Myranda kept her voice light and a forced smile on her face.

''What was your name again?''


'And how long have you loved him, Myranda?" Sansa asked and Myranda froze. The door creaked open and Nasiya peered in. ''Did you imagine that he would be with you forever, is that it? And I came along and ruined it. I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell." Sansa reminded her harshly. ''This is my home and you can't frighten me.'' Myranda huffed out a breath.

''Are you done with your bath, my lady?'' Myranda sassed

''Go. I can finish on my own.''

Myranda shoved past Nasiya, slamming her into the door. 

"Little thing you are." Sansa remarked. "They forget to feed you?"

"Oh no I eat all the time, I just don't grow." Nasiya remarked closing the door. "I made this for you." Nasiya remarked. "I can just leave it here, you are busy." Nasiya put the bracelet down on the table.

"What is it?" Sansa asked wrapping a towel around herself as Nasiya's back was turned. 

"Oh, it's silly." Nasiya remarked. "You don't have to wear it. I just thought..." Nasiya shrugged. 

"Might I?' Sansa asked holding out a hand and Nasiya picked it up holding it out. 

"I made one for me too," she lifted her sleeve revealing a matching beaded bracelet. "Because we are going to be sisters." Nasiya remarked. "But if you don't like it, it's okay. You dont have to wear it... but if you... wanted to." Nasiya offered with a shrug. "I have mine... but you don't have to wear it." She repeated. 

"Thank you Nasiya." Sansa said slipping it on. She saw Nasiya's smile grow. 

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