11. The Last of Us

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"Who's this?" Ramsay questioned stepping forward.

"Rickon Stark."

"How do I know that's Rickon Stark?" Ramsay countered and shaggy dogs head was brought forth. A direwolf "Welcome home, Lord Stark."


"Nas." Ramsays voice boomed through her. She forced a smile as she turned to him. Her ignorance would keep her alive.

"Hi Ramsay. We have some new people staying with us." Nasiya offered.

"We do Nas." Ramsay agreed and she let him hug her to him. "Do you know who they are?"

"No." Nasiya answered confused.

"A wildling whore and a boy." Ramsay offered.

"A boy? Like Sansa a new friend?" Nasiya questioned hopefully. She hated that Sansa was gone but she understood. She understood now why Sansa so desperately needed to leave. Ramsay killed their father and showed no remorse. None at all. Lied to her face. Nasiya didnt know what Ramsay was capable of.

"Like Sansa." Ramsay agreed. "Rickon."

"Sansa had a brother... sansas brother?" Nasiya realized.

"Mm hmm." Ramsay agreed.

"Was he looking for her?"

"No. He wanted to hurt us Nas. Our new friends brought him to us. To protect you."

"He wants to hurt me?" Nasiya countered confused. "I never met him."

"Everyone wants to hurt us Nasiya. We have to stick together. The last of the Boltons." Ramsay declared

"Because father and walda were posioned." Nasiya prompted.

"Exactly. Their killer is still out there. Probably working for the starks to have you and I killed as well. We have to look out for each other." Ramsay declared.

"The last of the Boltons." Nasiya whispered.

"My girl." Ramsay declared kissing her forehead. "Im just protecting you."

"From Rickon Stark?"

"Yes. From Rickon Stark."

So obviously Nasiya had to meet Rickon.

Rickon paced his room he was given a bath and fresh clothes but he knew he was a prisoner. He was waiting for them to come in and kill him.

He wondered where Bran was. If he made it to the place he saw in his vision. If he was still alive.

Rickon debated jumping. Breaking the windows that were sealed shut and just ending his life. Quick. Hopefully fast. But then he heard the creek of the floor outside his door. He jumped into bed trying to act as though he wasnt planning his escape. He fisted the blanket on his lap anxiously as a little knock sounded.

"Rickon?" Nasiya questioned pushing open his door. He straightened in bed and stared back at her. "My name is-"

"Is he going to kill me?" Rickon questioned and Nasiya stared back at him. "Or are you?"

"What?" Nasyia couldn't believe her ears. She would never hurt anyone. Well expect Myranda but she deserved it and Nasiya didnt exactly kill her. She just instructed Cyril to do it. There was a difference. "No. I brought you food." Nasyia held out the tray for him.

"Did you poison it?" Rickon questioned incredulously.

"No. Never. It's fine. Here..." she took a bite. "See?" she swallowed it down. "It's fine. I'm not going to hurt you I swear." Rickon watched her as she put the tray down at the bottom of the bed. Rickon pulled it to him and devoured it. "Could I get you anything?"

"Let me go." Rickon begged.

"I'm sorry... I... well they don't listen to me really. But... I don't think they are going hurt you." But she knew it was a lie. Ramsay would hurt him. Ramsay hurt everyone.

"Why would they keep me alive?" Rickon countered.

"Ramsay killed my father. Our father." Nasiya remarked. "He killed our fathers new wife, he killed the babe... Walda had a baby boy... killed him. Not even a day old." Rickon blinked back at her. "He must see you as useful. Thats why he didnt kill you. You are a stark. Winterfell is your home..." rickon stared back at her. "I think he is probably going to kill me next." She whispered. "I will try to bring you food and water in the meantime."

Rickon nodded as she got up heading slowly to the door.

"Who are you?" Rickon questioned

"Nasiya. Nasiya Bolton."

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