Chapter 1: The Butt Crack Of Dawn

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It had been trial and error for Joey to make his new child, and he had unfortunately made mistakes. The first one hadn't been stable enough and merely mimicked Joey's voice and actions till it melted back down into a puddle of ink. It had been heartbreaking to watch but failure led to success. He knew what to fix and he kept going.

The second one had been stable but kept on leaking from the holes in its face, so he destroyed it as humanly as possible and returned to the drawing board, desperate to get things right. He had felt bad once the room was quiet and he had stared at the splattered ink till his head hurt and his eyes were cloudy with tears.

Finally after a few months of hard work later he had done it! He had made her.

The little girl looked up at him with a smile on her face and as human as him, the ink sliding away from her rubberish body as it finished forming her. She had his eyes and his hair, but with a bit more floof to its shape than his. She was perfect.

He picked her up and shouted with joy, spinning her around till she giggled with happiness. "You're perfect!" he cried, "I shall name you Audrey, a fitting name for my beautiful daughter!"

6 Months later 
Location: The Stein household - 6:30am

Bendy snuck into Henry and Linda's bedroom at the crack of dawn, making sure not to wake them just yet as he wanted to surprise them. He slipped under the covers of the floral patterned bed sheets and made his way up to the matching pillows he thought were vile. Henry woke to the covers moving and felt something furry and cold clambering over his legs to get to him. He froze in fear as it neared him. Bendy poked his head out from under the covers and Henry scream in fright, waking poor Linda up from her dream. 

"Gooood Morning, Henry!" Bendy cried, laughing as he lay there at an awkward angle between them. Henry pulled Bendy in for a cuddle grumpily, rubbing the space between his horns where Bendy liked. The Ink demon purred and settled down, wrapping his tail around his waist so it wouldn't get tangled up.

"Morning to you too, troublemaker, you scared me half to death! I thought a racoon has gotten into the house!"

Linda rubbed her eyes and peered over Henry to check the time as their son laughed, "Bendy... it's 6:30am... what makes you think you can wake us this early young man?"

"We're going to see Joey today, it's on the calendar!" 

Linda sighed, "That's not till the afternoon... and it's currently 3am over there."

"I know, I'm excited!"

Henry chuckled, "Go back to sleep goofball, then I'll make breakfast once we're up, ok?"


Henry hummed, "I was thinking oatmeal, but pancakes would be good. Oh! What about Oatmeal Pancakes?" he teased. Bendy made a face at the word oatmeal, he didn't like that stuff and Henry knew it.

"I don't want oatmeal in my pancakes!"

"It's good for you"


"Okay okay, I won't put oatmeal into your pancakes, but you will be having fruit with them"


Bendy would just drown the entire lot in maple syrup, fruit was pointless.

Location: Joey's Place - 3am

Audrey poked Joey's face one more time, hoping it would wake him up, but all it did was make him twitch and wrap the woolen blanket around him more. She poked him again, harder this time and tried to batt away the feeling with a hand. She giggled and poked him again till her finger bent backward and her laughter woke him from his slumber.

"Morning dad!"

"....What time is it?"

"3 in the morning, I checked the clock myself"

Joey sighed, he was still trying to teach her time and obviously he was failing if she though 3am was fine and dandy to be up and about. He pulled the covers back and patted the space he had made, "Come here..." he said tiredly, "...It's far too early to be up."

Audrey smoothed out her nightgown and got into bed with him, "I'm sorry dad... It's morning isn't it?"

"Yes, but not morning enough, does that make sense?"

"What time is morning enough to be getting up then?" she asked.

"Between 6am and 8am, preferably 7am if one has work to get done and still wants a bit of a sleep in"

"Oh. What's for breakfast?"

Joey smiled and cuddled his daughter, "Hopefully eggs on toast if the eggs are still good and the bread isn't moldy. And I need to go shopping before this afternoon to get more groceries and coffee. Your brother is coming to see you today though, along with Henry and Linda. Aren't you excited?" he asked. Audrey gasped a little, she hadn't seen that on the calendar! "I have a brother? What's he like? Is he older than me?"

"You'll have to wait and see, my girl. Go back to sleep now."

Audrey made herself more comfy under the itchy blankets and tried to go back to sleep. But it was a little hard now that she was excited for the days events. 

Fixed Up (Sequel to Broken Down) (A BATIM & BATDR FAN FIC AU)Where stories live. Discover now