Falling star

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The inner circle of the night court was stood gazing into the night sky, watching as the stars fall from one end to the other. There was something different about this starfall though, something the whole group felt but couldn't quite place.

"There's something falling from the sky." Rhysand was the first to spot it, "no shit, it's Nysar. There's gonna be stars falling from the sky." Cassian chuckled only to be elbowed by his mate. "No he's right. It looks like it's gonna fall into the Sidra?"

The three males lept from their position and flew to the edge of the Sidra. "It was probably a fallen star. Why worry about it?" Cassian was ignored as the three waited in suspense.

Unknown POV:

The cold water was the first thing I felt, 'the travel from my last reality to this wasn't the plan.' Panicked I blow some bubbles hoping to follow them the right way up, I push against the watery restraints and gasp for air once I break the surface. Seeing the lights ahead I swim as fast as possible to what I hope is the shore. 'Once I'm safe and calm I'll just travel to the next world, hopefully the one I intend this time.'

I claw my way up the rocks, pulling my body to hard ground. "Who are you and how did you get here?" A loud booming voice commands my attention as soon as I had made it up. It was then that I felt the excruciating pain coming from my back. I couldn't stop myself from groaning from the pain. Twisting my head to look as far behind me as possible I notice my once beautiful white wings soaked and bloody. "Fuck, that's not supposed to happen." None of this is supposed to happen, you don't just lose control or keep previous worlds attributes when travelling. "I'll ask again who are you and how did you get here?" There was more strain in the voice this time around.

Tearing my gaze from my broken wings I look to three individuals, all with weapons drawn and glares sat on their faces. "Oh for fucks sake." Seems to be all I can mutter at this point. "I have a feeling I know where she's from." Standing behind the men were three women, the one who spoke was short with chin length black hair and a knowing look spread along her face. "Look, I mean no harm I promise. I'll be out of here as soon as possible, but currently, I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a tad bit incapacitated." Groaning I go to stand but am stopped by a dagger pointed at my throat. Sighing I turn my gaze to the individual who deems it necessary to point a dagger at a person who very clearly isn't going to do very much as they can barely stand as it is. There stands a man with short lightly tousled black hair and stunning brown eyes which happen to be staring into my soul. "Azriel she doesn't look like she's going anywhere very quickly nor going to do anything so if you would mind." This Azriel does what he says and lowers his weapon but keeps his eyes trained on me.

"Great, now I will gladly be on my way, I'll be out of your hair in no time-" the short women gave me a solemn look as she interrupted me. "You can't leave. There's no way out. I think it's better you stay here and rest for a bit, until you're in a better state of mind to hear this." The women looked at the man with violet eyes and it was almost like a silent conversation was ensuring infront of my eyes. However I've lost quite a lot of blood so that could also be paying a part. "Rest now, we'll talk later." I felt as my consciousness left my body and hands wrapped around me catching my fallen body and then I was out.

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