Final destination

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I arose to the sound of rain and a pounding headache. Groaning quietly I sit up as best as my decimated wings will allow me too anyway, I still don't understand how this has happened. Maybe I never made it out of the last reality? Just scraped the edge possibly? No, not possible I definitely was travelling when I was basically sucked into this reality.

A knock wrapped at the door and two girls walked in, they were silent as they flittered about the room handing me water and starting a bath. Raising a brow at them I managed to drag my body out of bed and stand on the cold black tiles, my wings looking sad and dejected behind me. They scraped against the floor as I walked to the bathroom. The two left after I assured them I could take a bath without assistance, although something tells me if I needed something they would know.

My bath was short and curt. I tried to shake my wings dry but to no avail I couldn't move them, I would likely have to learn how to use them all over again. "For fucks sake." My head snapped around as the door opened with a creak, luckily I was dressed. "Sounds like you won't have a problem with the boys when it comes to language." The woman smiled at me, she was beautiful. Seeing my Stare she speaks again "My name is Feyre, high lady of the night court." I nodded like that meant anything at all to me, when in reality I had no idea what the night court was or even where I am. "Y/n." I replied with a slight smile, they had healed me over night so the least I can do is be reasonable.

"Well if you don't mind, I was wondering if you would like to come to breakfast with us all? If not thats completely understandable and food will be brought up here for you." She smiled kindly and I felt a sense of comfort from it. "Sure, I don't see why not." I tried to smile with the same amount of warmth as hers but know I failed miserably, she never acknowledged it though and just lead me out of the room. The walk to the dining room was too long and after a just a minute or so we had entered the room, the conversation slowed to a stop when we walked in. My wings still dragging behind me despite how hard I tried not to, they all noticed. Feyre lead me to a seat near the head of the table and she sat down next to me. "This is Y/n." Feyre introduced me like I was just an old friend and needed to meet new people. The group nodded towards me and went back to their breakfast.

"So Y/n where are you from?" The question came from a man who shared the head of the table next to Feyre, "that's a hard question to answer really." I felt the stares of the whole table when I spoke. "Why is that?" He didn't look all too pleased with my answer although it wasn't an unkind look he was giving me, more one of curiosity.

"I'm something called an Astral Projector, this might be hard to grasp if you've never heard of the concept or if you don't believe in such things but the jist is that I travel the multiverse to different realities in search of all kind of knowledge. So in short, I have an original reality where the world was dying and the people were always at war. Its called Earth. But the reality I came from when I was sucked into this one was didn't have a name but I lived in a place called Sarpedon." The group had stopped eating all together, each had a look of disbelief on their faces in differing amounts. All except one, she held a look of understanding and sorrow. "Well then I guess we'll talk more about you getting back to your original reality later." The man looked kind in his words although I can tell he was skeptical of the truth behind my words.

"You can't go home." The quiet voice came from the women with short hair. She looked full of rage at her own words. "What?" My voice came out more forceful than intended as she looked me dead in the eyes "once you've been pulled into this reality there is no escape. This is a pocket universe, a black hole in the astral plane, Pandora's box." She spat the words like they tasted of poison "I was sucked in a few millenniums ago. This is your home now." She stood abruptly and left. She speared me a short look in which I saw the emotion swirling behind her eyes.

No one said anything. All looking at either their food or me. One by one everyone left the table, except one. She had brown hair that matched Feyres and stunning blue-grey eyes. She never said anything when she stood but I followed her. We walked side by side, in a silent tour of the beautifully furnished house. "This is the library. No one will bother you while in there. Perfect place to think." I nodded in acknowledgment as I walked in but noticed she stayed outside, noticing my look she said "I've got training. They'll have you training too no doubt so enjoy this while you can." She gave a forced smile that didn't meet her eyes and walked off. Turning on my heel I walked through the long hallways of the library and found a nice place to sit and look over the city. One which I don't know the name of.

I closed my eyes, the silence helping me reach my meditative state quicker than usual. What wasn't normal was that I couldn't go more than five meter away from my body. A red and gold twisted string kept me at close range. Snapping out of the meditation I sat in silence listening as my breath becomes more laboured and my heart rate quickens, sweat lines my palms and tears pour from my eyes. I don't remember how long I sat there mourning my old lives but by the time The blue eyed woman came back I was exhausted and emotionless.

We walked in silence as she lead me back to the same dining room. I sat in the seat next to her this time round and watched as the rest trickled their way in quietly conversations stopping at the sight of me. There was one seat missing. The short haired woman. Dinner was quiet for a majority until feyre spoke, "I don't believe you've been introduced to everyone. This is my mate Rhysand," the male gave a soft smile in my direction one I couldn't reproduce back "then there's Cassian" he sat across from blue eyes, he gave me a nod and a slight smile. "My sisters Nesta and Elaine" Elaine smiled warmly at me and Nesta gave me a knowing look and nod "Morrigan or we call her Mor" this woman was absolutely stunning, with long blond hair and striking features. She smiled and I nodded politely. "And lastly we have Azriel." Shadow like wisps swirled in anticipation around the handsom male, he looked but didn't smile or nod. A mutual understanding that neither trusted the other fully.

I blurted out a strong "nice to meet you all." My voice was sore and horse from crying all day but nonetheless it came out strong and collected thank god. Small conversations erupted from there and a twang of envy stabbed through me, they all look so happy and comfortable with each other. I ate in silence, I didn't mind. Gave me more processing time, this time it was without the tears however. I wouldn't cry infront of anyone, not anymore.

Dinner ended and I was escorted back to my room by Azriel which surprised me but I suppose it was to keep me in check. I opened the door and went to close it when he stopped me "Nestas room is to the left of this one." I nodded in thanks as I shut the door locking it knowing full well that I have no idea about anything in this world and they most definitely could break in if they felt like it.

I noticed one of Azriels shadows had curled around my index finger. Likely a spy, but it's company I suppose. I didn't bother to shower or bathe, simply stripped and for the first time in years went to bed normally, no meditation or methods just simply threw myself into the pillow and hoped for happy dreams to grace my sleep.

Still reeling from the fucken horrendous day I just had.

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