Grounding techniques

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The group laughed with each other eyes crinkling with joy, a small smile graced the lips of Azriel even. His shadows still loyally wrapped around my finger on my left hand, I picked up that their ministrations were not Azriels doing but the shadows themselves.

Dinner was as nice as the past couple of nights but still, I couldn't stop my body from unconsciously eating faster than normal. The anticipation of tonight ringing through my mind. I would be learning to use my wings again and hopefully fly. I had heard from Feyre that Azriel had been the one to teach her how to fly, he did so by pushing her off a cliff.

That I was definitely scared of happening, wasn't before but well, now I definitely am. As if someone had told him my gaze was on him Azriel looked at me, his eyes widened and his fork dropped clattering against his plate loudly. The group didn't falter however and continued cracking jokes. The shadows on my hand multiplied and spread to my right one too. They twisted with uncontrollable excitement, at what I wasn't sure but Azriels face slowly masked back to his normal unemotional mask. Although he held my gaze for a surprisingly long time, forcing me to look away first.

Even then I felt his gaze on me.

We walked in silence towards the training area, his shadows must have been knowledgeable of something I wasn't as the swarmed the two of us in excitement. Azriels gaze would lock with mine every single time I glanced at him. I don't understand, it was just yesterday that he was giving me snark but now he seemed suspiciously content with my presence. The complete opposite of how he was when we first walked together.
The moon blazed down brightly on us as we entered the area.

I followed Azriel without question as he walked to the middle of the ring and took a seat on the ground sitting cross legged. The exact same spot I was in when Cassian and Nesta came. Still I walked to him and sat opposite him, our eyes met and as if the wind was knocked out of me I stumbled slightly on the flat ground.

"What the fuck was that?" My voice was soft barely a whisper, I wasn't even sure Azriel had heard me but a sigh that slipped out of his lips confirmed that he had.
"I was hoping it wouldn't click in so quickly, so that I could have had a chance at explaining before it had." His voice was deep and almost apprehensive sounding. "What are you even talking about?" We locked eyes again and it was as if I was being pulled towards him by an invisible rope. "Are you sure you want to know the answer now? This will almost certainly hinder your training and set it back by a fair bit. Depending on what your decision is. Although either way it will set it back." He mumbled the last sentence but now I'm absolutely convinced that I have to know. "Yes I'm sure. Enlighten me spymaster."

The male in question sucked in a breath, "in this world we have a thing called mates. Everyone has a mate, however not everyone finds their mate. A mate or soulmate as some like to call it have a bond forged by the mother herself, this bond is what draws the two mates together. They are the others perfect match, supposedly. When two mates meet, they have to accept the mating bond. The female has full control over if the bond is accepted or not." My heart is pounding so loudly that I could hear it.

"And if the female rejects the bond? What happens?" I watched him closely as he could no longer hold my gaze and his shadows pulled themselves from me. "The male almost always falls into insanity." I watched as his gaze was far off, purposefully avoiding mine, "I understand if you don't want to accept the bond. As it's probably a new concept for you and I'm not the best person but I- I would like to at least take you out to dinner first before you do." His voice was hopeful and his usual mask of indifference was no where in site. "How long have you known? About the bond?" He looked at me finally and my heart fluttered and stomached clenched, must be a strong bond I suppose. "When I walked you to your room and my shadows wouldn't come back to me was when I suspected, but I only felt it click today at breakfast."

He looked so almost relieved when he said he had felt it click. It hurt me to know that he didn't believe he would find a mate. "I think that we should arrange a time for our first date. Then get back to my first training session." A matching smile to mine graced his face and he nodded. "Sounds great, what about 7:30 tomorrow night?"

I hummed pushing my body closer towards his body making our crossed knees touch. "Sounds perfect. Now where should we start."

Almost immediately he slipped into his training persona, albeit a lot more relaxed than when he first sat down. "Grounding techniques. Exactly what you were doing when you were up here the first time." He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him. "Hmm stalking does sound like it fits your description perfectly." He held back a laugh and threw me a halfhearted clear which in return I smiled.

So for the next 3 hours we sat in comfortable silence, every now and again opening our eyes to find the other already looking at them. By the end of the three hours I was able to hold my wings up for 30 seconds straight before they would give up on me. Azriels approving glances the only sign of his proudness.

He walked me back to my room just like the other night only this time we walked marginally closer together, not touching but still closer than normal. I pushed my door open excited to strip and go strong to bed, "My door is the one across from yours." I looked back at him shocked, I thought that was a guest room like mine. "It is a guest room, but I'm staying in it for now. The bond is rather demanding for illyrians." He smirked at my shocked face causing me to lightly push him on the shoulder. "I'm not even gonna ask how you knew what I was thinking, but thanks for letting me know. I'll be sure to pop over in the middle of the night for a nice grounding session." He rolled his eyes at me but pushed off the door frame and lightly pushed my hair behind my ear. "Good night y/n." I smiled and he returned it before turning and opening his door.

"Good night Az."

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