First date kinda nervous

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"I hate it." Groaning I aggressively ripped the dark green dress off and stared out the large window of my room. "We still have heaps of time, I'm sure we'll find something you like." Feyres voice was soft as she sifted through the closest looking through the stacks of clothes that the girls put together for me.

"It's already 5, I won't even have time to do my hair the way I planned." She laughed a little trying to cover it with a cough. "Yes well Mor and I did say that you should finish training early but something seemed to have kept you longer than expected." She wiggled her brows and my face heated as I remembered earlier in the day.

Azriel had sat next to me on the edge of the training area after a particularly hard set and together we basked in the peace looking over the city of Valeris below us. We didn't speak but words weren't needed, sitting together was enough. However I seemed to forget about the time and we stayed like that until 4:30 and then I promptly sprung from my seat surprisingly Azriel, sheepishly I waved and ran to my room only to see Feyre already sitting on my bed smirking at me.

"You'll have time y/n. Just go take a showers and I'll continue looking." I sighed but agreed. A shower was a nice distraction anyway.

I'm sure tonight will go fine, right? What would we talk about? Or we could just sit in silence like today, but I want to get to know him. Yeah, sure I'll just ask questions in hopes that I won't be rejected.

By the time I had finish feyre was gone, a note and an outfit sat on my bed. 'So sorry to leave so soon, Rhysand called, nothing serious just Nyx wanting me. I'm sure tonight will go great. Good luck.' The was a small smiley face next to the good luck making me smile. The outfit was beautiful, a simple but stunning midnight blue gown layed neatly over my duvet. The material was soft despite the sparkly silver that was woven into it making the gown resemble the night sky littered with stars. It slipped onto my body smoothly, fitting like a glove and hugging my cures nicely.

It was 6:30 and I had finally started my hair, styling it in a way which would frame my face and compliment the neckline of the gown. By the time I had finished my hair and light makeup it was 7:15. My jewellery selection was scarce but I had decided on a simple sparkly mossinite teardrop set of earrings and matching necklace.

Slipping on my silver heals a knock sounded from my door. Tonight will be great, I will make it so. "Coming!" Pulling the door open, there stood Azriel. Still clad in black but leathers were swapped for nice black pants and a black button up, truthteller still sat snuggly on his side. "Hi." I smiled as I walked out the room shutting the door behind me, hoping he ignored the plethora of clothes flung around it. "Hello. You look absolutely Devine." My cheeks reddened and I clutched my little sliver clutch tightly. "Thank you, you look really nice yourself." My voice wasn't as steady as I had intended but he made no comment only a smirk sat comfortably on his face.

"Are you ready to go?" His voice was deep and soft making me fidget uncontrollably. God it's like being a teenager with a crush again. I hummed and he held out his arm. Curiously I grabbed it questioning his next moves. "Hold on." His smirk had grown and suddenly we were gone. I wasn't scared, quite the opposite actually. His shadows had engulfed us, calm and steady as the flitted around surely taking us to his intended location. It was nice, the warm feeling of his body pressed against mine and the shadows which buzzed slight at my content.

Finally his shadows dispersed, still lingering around us but lessened. The city was alight with warm yellow glows, the streets lively below us. We had landed on a cliff edge, behind us a restaurant sat snugly within the mountain. It was beautiful, one way was a view of the Sidra which was aluminated by the full moon and the other was the city below filled with its inhabitants. "It's beautiful." He hummed in agreement, tugging lightly while guiding us towards the door of the restaurant. The workers immediately noticed him and took us to the booth which faced the city. I took a seat on one side and Azriel the other. "So what's on the menu?" He smiled lightly, "anything you want." In disbelief I raised an eyebrow at him "anything?" He hummed amused at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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