My wings

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The subtle pulsating pain from my wings is what awakens me from a surprisingly gentle sleep. The morning air wafts through a door in which I don't remember opening. The shadow that once wrapped around my finger is no longer present, presumably back with its master.

As if sensing that I was awake the twins from yesterday give a gentle knock before fluttering about the room once again running me a bath and readying my outfit for the day. Slipping out of bed I try to ignore the way my wings continue to scrape against all surfaces. A constant reminder that I have failed to some extent, failed to not make it out of what the dark haired woman called "Pandoras Box", failed to travel even though it was supposed to be my birth right.

The water was warm against my body, one of the twins started to wash my hair, I haven't the energy to tell her I can do it myself. The time in the bath passed fairly quickly and they dressed me in a sheer black chiffon shirt with a black bra and comfortable black pants. One of them left to do whatever else it is they do and the other lead me to the dining room. I wasn't the last to arrive this time but I wasn't the first, there sat at the table was Azriel who also happens to be clad in all black. He made no acknowledgment to my arrival making me feel less awkward as I took a seat where I had sat the day before.

A plate with an assortment of food appeared in front of me and we ate in silence. Slowly one by one the rest of the group trickled through the doors eagerly awaiting their breakfast. No one stared at me today but a few quick glances were tossed my way. I didn't mind, why should I? I'm stuck here might as well get used to it I suppose. "Y/n?" Mor questioned, "huh sorry what was that?" I threw on a quick smile while looking at them. "I was just asking if you would like to join me in town today?" Her smile was sweet almost tempting me to say yes, but how could I? How could I show myself in public if I couldn't even hold my wings up straight? She must of noticed my hesitation as she quickly blurted "you don't have to of course just thought you might want to explore." The group was silent waiting for a response from me, "Thank you for offering but I'm still a bit tired so I think I'll rest for today. Maybe another day?" I gave her my best smile and stood from the table quietly. "That's completely fine, just wanted to check." She smiled brightly at me and I returned one and nodded as I walked back out the room.

The halls were silent as I wondered through them, I don't really know why I decided to walk around but I might as well. Each step I tried to remember what it felt like to have my wings engaged and not dragging. To have them stand high behind me instead of dragging below me. While walking I came across a door which was slightly adjacent, walking up the steps behind the door I ended up outside. The area was vast with a plethora of different weapons stacked to one side. A training area if I had to guess. Perhaps the same one where Nesta went to yesterday when she left me in the library. I walked out to the middle and sat down. If I want to relearn how to control my wings then I have to remember what it was like when they did work. So I sat there, eyes closed, body relaxed trying to connect with the felling of my wings. Feeling the weight upon my back. Feeling the heat that radiates off of them. Remembering the muscle memory I had built into this body, all the memories I had of flying.

With a lot of effort I managed to get them to move, if only slightly. They lifted off the ground only to fall back again when the sound of steps interrupted me. Turning I noticed as Cassian and Nesta walked out stopping as they saw me. Pushing myself off the ground I dusted my pants off and nodded towards them as I crossed past them. "You can stay if you like." Nesta spoke just as I reached the first step, I turned to look her in the eyes "That's alright. Thanks anyway." She nodded and I continued back down the steps.

After that I stayed in my room. Talking to the house once I discovered that it could bring me things if requested. I sat on the balcony mumbling to myself and the house while trying to get my wings to move. They stayed mostly limp but occasionally I would get them to move to my will and almost as if congratulating me the house would give me a piece of chocolate. I did this for the rest of the day, only noticing halfway that the shadows had come back to curl around my fingers.

At what I suppose was dinner one of the twins came to get me, and again I was guided through to the dining room. This room seems to get less suffocating each time I enter it. Perhaps it's because the others are less on guard around me or perhaps I am just growing fond of the routine. This time the short haired girl was back, sitting in the same chair as last time. Neither of us acknowledged the other. I simply took my seat and ate the food supplied for me. Chatter continued on around me as I sat staring out at the sky, it seems so much more alluring here then any other reality I've been to. "So y/n, Cassian mentioned they saw you up at the training ring this morning. Is that something you would like to do? Train I mean." Feyre was kind in her question but I could feel the stares of the others. Perhaps if I mention why I was there they might be able to help. No, they would think me of being weak. "I was just there looking nothing much. I haven't really thought of it but I will." She nodded but someone interrupted her before she could answer "You weren't just looking." The group turned their stares to Azriel as he spoke "I'm sorry?" He looked up from his food to look me in the eyes then down to the shadows that twist and twirled around my fingers. "You were trying to get your wings to move."

Bewildered I scoffed at him "And that matters to you why?" That was rude, what happened to the guy that walked me back to my room last night? "I don't like being lied to." His voice was serious and his eyes held a soft glare. If only he was ugly it would be a lot easier to be annoyed at him. "It's not lying, just an omittance of truth. I was looking, why should it matter what else I was doing. I wasn't there long anyways, no harm no foul." The group was silent like they'd never seen him act like this before, strange. "Although Azriel could have gone about it a better way, I think he was trying to say that we could help you with getting your wings back to working." It was Rhysand that spoke, probably stopping Azriel from saying anything else. "Why? You've healed me thats more than enough." The group gave each other knowing looks. "Because you are a guest here and we would like to be of help to you." Feyre smiled at me and I faltered, maybe they could help me. They've been nothing but kind so why not let them help me here?

I hummed and nodded. "I suppose I could use some help. Who would be mentoring me?" They grew quiet the lot of them. Almost as if In another silent conversation, to the left of me I could see Azriel clenching his utensils so hard that his knuckles were white. Obviously not a great conversation for him then. Sucker. "Since this person is the only one used to training someone on flying we think it's best if he helps you too." Alright sounds reasonable, "Sounds good to me, who is it?" The room once again went silent until Azriel piped up "Me. I'm the one who will train you." My body tensed slightly not at annoyance but at excitement? That was definitely not what my mind is thinking but whatever. "Ok. When do we start?" The group looked surprised at my compliance, why would I throw a fuss when they've done so much for me already? Least I can do is accept who they believe will help me most, and if that so happens to be the slightly annoying but painfully handsome bat man why not?

"Tomorrow night, after dinner." I looked him in the eyes and noticed that they were more of a hazel than a brown and held more emotions than I could decipher. I feel like he knows something, something I don't. I nodded and the dinner went on without another word of it.

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