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Grief. The response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or some living thing that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed.

That's how it's defined, anyway.

But it's so much more than that.

And I welcome you to read on and find out exactly what grief is.

The hard way.

"Go away!" Wanda Maximoff grumbles as she throws a pillow over her own head, shielding her ears from whoever is pounding on her door at one o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon.

Most if not all days consist of the witch laying in for this long. Sleep all day and overthink all night. That's how she does things.

It's been precisely sixteen days since the events of Westview and Wanda has spent the better part of her week trying to think of how to get her life back together again.

Unfortunately though, that plan has resulted in drinking, more drinking and yes, even more drinking. The alcohol consumption has seemed to numb every unpleasant feeling the woman could experience, which in turn ends in some brutal hangovers. But as long as it stops the bad feelings, right?

Wanda wouldn't say it's getting out of control, but she's fully aware that if she doesn't stop herself soon and take a break from the intoxicant, she could find herself in a very risky situation, which would only make her current one worse.

Of course with the results of the final battle and taking down Thanos and his army, a lot of Wanda's other friends are also having a hard time grieving, making it difficult for her to have anyone to take care of her. Although, the alcohol seems to be doing that for her just fine.

However, it doesn't have the ability to make her forget, which is really what she's hoping for. To be able to forget everything. All the pain she's caused whilst trying to live through her own, the fact that her husband and children are gone and she can't do anything about it.

But most of all, the thing she really wants to get out of her head, is Agatha Harkness' words.

'Parents dead, brother dead, Vision dead. What happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness, Wanda?'

That question replays in her head on the daily. Almost non-stop, which makes it really quite difficult to form any other coherent thoughts.

No one would be able to form a coherent thought anyway with the constant banging going on at the door of the little house she moved into in the middle of nowhere.

The pounding continues, almost in rhythm with Wanda's head from her terrible hangover. That can be cured with more wine later, she decides.

After minutes of ceaseless disturbance, the witch finally comes to the conclusion that the perpetrator isn't going to give up whatever efforts they're making to get ahold of her. And it pains Wanda when she has to step out of her comfy and warm bed, slipping on her fluffy grey dressing gown when she feels the chill.

"Alright, I'm coming!" she yells as she trudges lethargically down the stairs, mentally preparing herself to do some serious scolding. Not without grabbing a bottle of gin on the way.

Who would know she's even out here? She made quick work of finding a super secret location and using her magic to build herself a little two story cabin in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by mountains all around and a pretty orchard with apple trees dotted a few feet away from each other.

Perfect for someone who doesn't want any human contact right now.

"Shut the fuck up," she mumbles under her breath, unlocking the three different locks that keeps the logged building secure. She has a lot of enemies after the incident and has to be careful of who she allows into her house, not that anyone comes to visit her.

Wanda has to squint her eyes as they adjust to the harsh sunlight of the spring day. Her blackout blinds have done wonders at keeping any and all brightness out of her little house so getting used to this sort of light isn't an easy task.

Eventually after a lot of blinking, her eyes begin to settle on the perp in front of her. She can only just make out the outline of the other woman, but it's the fiery red hair that really makes her stand out.

"Hey, Witchy," the raspy voice speaks, causing Wanda to instantly put up her guard and become almost defensive in a way.

Natasha Romanoff. The one person she hoped would show up for her, yet the one person who didn't. That's a good enough reason to despise someone she used to be able to call her best friend.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Wanda practically whispers, only making eye contact for a split second before deciding it's too painful and looking down at the half-empty bottle in her hand. Now would be the perfect example of when it's a good time to take a large swig. So that's what she does, the burning sensation down her throat is soothing and matches the pain of the burns she created up and down her arms with the help of her lighter earlier this day.

"Well, when you hear that one of your closest friends took over an entire village, it's kinda hard not to come and see what's going on," Natasha explains herself, almost looking disgusted at Wanda's use of substance at this time of day.

The opposing woman scoffs disapprovingly, "Closest friend, my ass."


"Don't you think it's sorta ironic that you chose to show up after what happened in Westview?"

If Natasha didn't know any better, she'd think Wanda was trying to fight her. But she knows deep down that all she is, is scared. Wanda knows what's good for her, and all she really craves is a family and people that will understand and be there for her. She wants to be loved as much as she wants to be able to love someone else. And that's evident in the multiple burn marks left on her body.

So no, the assassin isn't scared of her friend, not in the slightest. And she sure as hell would never give up on her.

"Wanda, if I knew you were going to take over an entire village, I would have been here a lot sooner, I wouldn't have let you get to this point. I was helping Laura and the kids out because of Clint being gone. But look, I'm here now and you are very clearly in need of some serious taking care of."

Neither women say anything for a few moments. Wanda's contemplating her next move whilst also finishing off the gin in only a few gulps.

"How did you know I was here?" the Sokovian questions skeptically, her voice now thick with accent that has subconsciously come out from the hate that lingers in the pit of her stomach. It emits some ugly feelings.

Natasha clears her throat slightly, "Have you forgotten I'm one of the worlds most deadliest assassins?"

"Oh, please! You're such a softie!" Wanda slurs, the alcohol now starting to take effect. "Is that all? You just wanted to come say hello?"

"Wanda... I'm not going anywhere. Look," Nat says, kicking at her suitcase lightly with her foot. "I'm gonna help you, Witchy. You're not alone anymore."


hey:) so i made another story and this time i'm not making it in anyone's pov, it's just a general 3rd person because i want to expand my writing skills and see if i can pull this one off haha

i hope you enjoy<3

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