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The sun shines bright on Wanda's face when she awakens.

The once peaceful, sleepy state she was in has been disturbed and it's only now that she realizes the blonde who's clearly opened the curtains before crawling into bed next to her.

"Lena... get out," the grumpy redhead groans, trying to push the intruder off.

"Don't be mean, I'm only here for like one more hour."

That makes Wanda shoot awake, accidentally kicking Yelena off in the process.

"Hey!" Yelena exclaims, shuffling her way back onto the mattress.

"You're leaving in an hour?!"

Though not willing to admit it, Wanda really has formed somewhat of an attachment to her best friend's sister. She's not sure if she'll be able to take someone else in her life leaving her.

"This isn't like other times, Wanda. I'm gonna come back. I'll keep in contact, too. Just don't spam my phone, okay?"

Wanda can't believe what she's hearing. She's not ready. Not ready for someone else to abandon her in a time of need.

"No, no, no, you can't go. Not yet. Please, I'll do anything, just stay, Yelena, I'm begging you."

Her eyes start filling up with tears. She doesn't want Yelena gone.

"I thought you found me annoying?" Yelena teases, feeling bad for having to leave soon.

"Yes, but- but- I-"

"I'm sorry... I'll be back here as soon as I can."

It's not enough.

"Just not yet. You can't leave me yet. Not when my mental stability is that of a teenage relationship!"



That 'please' is almost enough for Yelena to call up her boss and say she can't go on the mission, but sadly it isn't an option.

"I'm so sorry."


Approximately two minutes after Yelena had set off in a jet that came to collect her, Wanda took her place in Natasha's arms and has spent the time where it's only been the two of them (around thirty minutes now) sobbing profusely. Almost to the point where she's made herself sick.

"Try to breathe for me, hon. You're working yourself up and you need to come down," Natasha tries to placate, rocking them both side to side in the hopes to soothe quicker.

She knows there's more going through Wanda's head right now than just Yelena leaving. She's thinking about her entire family and how she wants them back, too.

"I miss him!" she wails, holding on even tighter to the woman who's lap she's in.


"I promised him that we- we would say hello again. I want him and I want my children." 

Natasha's heart shatters at what she's hearing. Wanda hasn't exactly opened up about what happened in Westview, but it's clear that it's the reason she's trying so hard to destroy her body.

"Wands, what happened? How did you even have children? Vision couldn't possibly impregnate you, was it your magic?"

Wanda only grips on tighter, not wanting to think about the events of Westview and what she did to everyone unknowingly.

How To Save A Life | Wanda Maximoff & Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now