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so for the medical practice , if you've seen private practice then imagine that haha


'Your power exceeds that of the sorcerer supreme. It's your destiny to destroy the world' - something that has been on Wanda's mind since the moment it was said aloud.

The only problem, is that she's thought about those words so much that she's started to believe it.

It's constantly replaying in her head, along with all the other things people have told her about how destructive she is. Apparently, everyone seems to have the same opinion and that opinion is the very reason she believes she's fated to be the world's biggest threat.

Hence why she keeps herself locked away.

Her hangover this morning already put her in an awful mood and she refused to eat breakfast as a result. But now it's one in the afternoon, she's slowly making her way through a slice of toast whilst Natasha is back in town and Yelena is 'babysitting'.

As she stares out the window mindlessly, Wanda notices the sky take a different hue. It's grey, like a storm is bound. It would certainly match today's energy.

Once the final piece of the bread has been swallowed, Yelena allows her to go make herself comfy on the couch and put something on the TV.

It isn't until Yelena hears what's playing that she goes over and snatches the remote out of Wanda's hand.

"Hey!" the redhead screeches, furious that her movie has been turned off. "You said I could watch something."

"Yeah, but I didn't mean something like To The Bone. That will trigger you, wait until you're in a better place mentally."

Wanda decides it's best to just obey, rather than receiving an earful from a woman she barely knows.

As an alternative, Yelena puts something more Wanda-suited on and settles on Just Go With It. A lot more lighthearted than the previous film.

Ten minutes in, Yelena looks over from where she's standing in the kitchen and sees Wanda starting to get lost in her own mind. It's easy to tell, given that her head has dropped down and she's as still as a rock.

Yelena knows she can't allow the witch to get too stuck in her thoughts, which is why she walks over and crouches down in front of Wanda, gently trying to coax her out from her daze.

"Hey," the Russian accent speaks. "You back with me?" she asks after the pair of green eyes she's staring into start focusing again.

She receives a nod in return.

"Where did you go, Wanda?"

There's a few moments of hesitation before the truth is revealed.

"My children. I-I was thinking about my boys. I miss them."

"... But they're not real," she adds on, a tear slipping out before quickly being wiped away.

Yelena smiles in sympathy, moving to sit next to the other and interlocking their hands.

"Natasha hasn't told me a lot, but from what I know, your kids are pretty real to you. Believe me, I know what it's like living a fake life and wanting nothing more than for it to be real."

There's a long pause.

"Do you wanna talk about them?" she offers, making Wanda visibly perk up ever so slightly.

"Can I?"

"Of course. I'm here to listen."

Wanda shuffles closer to her new friend, finding comfort in the feeling of their hands connected.

How To Save A Life | Wanda Maximoff & Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now