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"You know what's going to happen if you don't eat? I'm going to drag your ass back down to the medical practice and tell Doctor Turner what's going on, and I will make sure you have a feeding tube inserted by the end of the day. Do you want that?! Is that what you want?! Answer me!"

"No! Stop yelling at me!"

Both Wanda and Natasha woke up feeling a little grouchier than normal. Nat blames it on her period and well, Wanda blames it on Nat.

You could see where the cycle is going wrong.

Natasha has just about had it with the other's reluctance to eat. She's trying to be gentle but as far as patience goes, hers is running out.

Breakfast was skipped on account of Wanda working her way into a panic attack, but now lunch time has rolled around and she's dreading this meal just as much.

"I'm sorry," Nat says sincerely, placing a comforting hand on Wanda's shoulder. "I'm not trying to get angry at you. And it's not really you that I'm angry at, it's just how worried I am for you. It isn't easy seeing you fall apart like this when you deserve so much better."

Ignoring her, Wanda shrugs the hand off her shoulder and starts taking minuscule bites at the leftover chicken paprikash from last night.

She doesn't feel any better from the Darkhold now being gone, she kind of hoped she would at least feel some sort of relief, maybe less willing to do anything to get her children back, even if it meant going through great hardship to get there.

But no. Her loneliness still stands.

In fact, it's stronger than ever. Mainly because now she knows there truly isn't a way for her to ever see them again.

She can only hope their mother from another universe is taking good care of them.

"I think I'm gonna take you back to the practice today, anyway," Nat informs the witch, moving away as not to aggravate her.

"What?" Wanda asks, looking up at Natasha furiously.

"You're gonna despise me for it but I just can't let you drop any more weight, Wanda. You're already skin and bone. Violet said she can even offer you therapy if you wanna give that a go?"

Sliding her plate away, Wanda stands up from her chair and stumbles over to Nat so they can be face to face.

Nat finds it cruelly amusing, seeing the younger woman trying to make herself seem big and bad when in reality, she's barely strong enough to stand up straight.

"I don't want therapy. It's not for me," she claims, her expression turning into one that says she's ready to put up a good argument.

"How do you know if you haven't even tried it?"

"Shut up."

"Wow, is that the best you can do? You're an Avenger and you're using playground insults? Go on, show me what else you got," Natasha smirks, knowing she's testing Wanda's patience.

She wants to irk her, though. She wants her to let off some steam through something like yelling instead of something self-destructive.

But much to Natasha's dismay, Wanda only keeps to herself. She doesn't have the energy to put up with this.

Turning around (nearly tripping over in the process) Wanda decides to inform Nat that she's going to take a walk in the orchard.

It's a good way to clear her head and she definitely wants to do so before she explodes on her best friend.

"Please don't fly off somewhere," the assassin pleads Wanda, not wanting a repeat of yesterday's events.

"Please don't fly off somewhere," Wanda mocks in a high-pitched voice, causing Nat to send her a death glare. "See ya."

How To Save A Life | Wanda Maximoff & Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now