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The past three days have been chaotic, understandably so.

Natasha has been driving herself insane trying to make sure that Wanda has enough food in her system and isn't hurting herself quite as frequently, so she thinks.

But Wanda hasn't exactly made that an easy task.

Most if not all days have consisted of a fight just before mealtimes. Both women mutually agreed upon the fact that it may be good to have a routine in place, just until they adjust to the new living circumstances.

This routine includes three meals a day, breakfast at eight o'clock, lunch at one, and dinner at six. Consistency. The meals don't necessarily have to be big, either. And Wanda finds that helping Nat make the food puts her at ease knowing what's actually going into her mouth.

Set eating times aren't the only thing that they've come up with, though. They also go for walks together everyday. At least twenty minutes long. Despite being completely isolated from everyone else, Wanda chose herself a pretty spectacular place to live. There's an orchard, a few sheep scattered around, a little river flowing through the place. It's serene and with their hectic lives, they certainly don't mind the peacefulness.

The daily Wanda attention time has been put to use, too. Mainly in the evenings, because that's when she feels the need to let everything out and receive a big hug from her only family left.

While there's a good pattern going, not a lot has changed, but neither of them expected there to be an improvement so suddenly. They're aware it'll take time.

This in turn, means that Wanda has still intensely been craving some sort of alcoholic beverage. She'd do anything even for a sip of wine or cider. Not for the taste, because as much as she likes it, it's more for the relief. But then again, she still finds that in her burning habits.

Nat didn't take away the lighter this time. After a good, long talk, she learnt that it won't be effective and if anything, will only make it worse for Wanda.

The witch has still been using the fire-emitting implement, a lot more since she's been made to eat and the guilt that consumes her is too much to bear.

Natasha will sit on the opposite side of the table, glancing up at Wanda occasionally to ensure she is actually eating and not disintegrating it all with her magic. She won't stare at her, she knows that'll only cause more stress to Wanda and that's the last thing she wants to do. They'll eat together, too. Nat won't make her do it alone, that's unfair.

However, Wanda doesn't think she can stand the thought of having food she 'doesn't deserve' inside her stomach so as she sits at the table for breakfast this Spring morning, there's a napkin on her lap, full of whatever she's chewed of the toast in front of her.

With Nat being on the other end, she can't see the napkin on the witch's lap. Wanda's been very tactical and chosen to chew whenever Nat looks up, then spits it out when she looks away again.

Just as she's getting ready to get rid of another load in her mouth, Natasha looks up for a split second but quickly averts her eyes.

That was a close one, Wanda thinks. And she has the impression that she's gotten away with it, until Nat speaks up.

"Wanda, enlighten me, are you going to actually eat any or is it all going in that napkin?"

Wanda is blindsided, she really thought she got away with it. But then again, she is in the same room as one of the world's best trained assassins, that should have been a pretty good pointer.

She knows that with her magic, she could easily make Nat forget that this happened and her head wants her to do it, but for her own sake, she knows it isn't a good idea at all.

How To Save A Life | Wanda Maximoff & Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now