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A very grouchy redhead is awoken at the crack of dawn by high-pitched squeals coming from downstairs.

Much too loud for someone who has exhausted herself trying to drown out every bit of noise lately, just to block out voices in her head.

After what feels like forever, the talking stops and the air is peaceful again.

Well, that's until two pairs of footsteps are heard jogging up the stairs.

Who the hell could be the second person here? No one knows where they're located and not very many people have Natasha's highly trained spy skills.

Except, maybe one other person.

"Wanda," Nat calls in a sing-song voice, knocking on the door in an enthusiastic manner.

Natasha knows that given the bomb she's about to drop on the witch, perhaps starting the morning off with some positive energy might help keep the peace.

"What the fuck do you want?" she groans back, propping herself up slightly on her pillows.

"Jeez. Someone's grouchy," a quiet voice says from the other end of the door, right before said person bursts in and halts at the foot of the bed.

Oh, you have got to be kidding, Wanda thinks, sweeping her messy hair out of her face to get a better view at the woman standing in front of her.

"Natasha, who the fu-"

"Don't finish that sentence, missy," Nat warns, holding onto the new acquaintance by the shoulders. "This is Yelena, my little sister."

Wanda is floored. She didn't even know Nat has a sister, let alone would bring her to the house with no notice.

"Okay?" she replies, still too bewildered to understand the situation at hand.

"Hey, don't be rude. She's a trained killer too so unless you wanna face the wrath of Yelena Belova, I suggest you be a little more welcoming to your guest," Natasha parents, holding up her pointer finger to somewhat intimidate the witch. Although, her 'mom' voice was probably daunting enough without the added action.

"Sorry, but, why is she here?"

Nat grins softly. "Well, I need to go out and run some errands and you need reinforcements. There's only one person I trust enough to leave you with, so," she gesturers to her sister, the blonde smiling happily.

"Hi, Wanda. Nice to meet you," Yelena says, her Russian accent coming through thick.

"Um... hello..." Wanda replies warily, eyeing the lively person in her room up and down slowly before turning her attention back to Natasha. "So, where are you going today?"

Not wanting to upset Wanda or fill her with a sense of abandonment in any way shape or form, Nat takes a seat on the edge of the bed and places a hand on Wanda's thigh, but takes it away when she winces.

"Sorry, sweetheart," the assassin quickly apologizes, feeling bad for not remembering the numerous injuries occurring on her friend. "I'm just gonna be gone for a few hours. I need to run to the store and get some more... supplies."

Nat speaks with a hinting tone so that Wanda understands that she's talking about the burn treatments and whatnot.

For now, Yelena remains oblivious to the whole self-harming situation and Nat would like her to remain unaware until Wanda is ready to tell her. In the meantime, Natasha has put her sister under strict instructions to not leave Wanda's side the entire time she's absent. Even when one of them goes to the bathroom, they may have their privacy by the other turning around but that's all.

How To Save A Life | Wanda Maximoff & Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now