Chapter 4: Pete

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Months later we got the call we had been dreading. Vegas was asleep while I was pacing the other room, rocking a fussy, teething Venice. My arms were growing tired after what had to be the millionth turn around the room when Vegas burst through the door, startling me enough to almost yell.

"Porsche just called. He needs my help."

"The Russians?" I guessed.

Vegas nodded slowly and I moved quickly, fetching Macau and the nanny to take over with Venice so I could get ready to leave.

"What are you doing?" Vegas asked, strapping weapons to his body while I did the same.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Did you honestly think I was going to let you go alone?"


"No buts, Vegas. If you think I'm going to let you go into danger without me to back you up then you're way fucking crazier than I thought you were."

For a beat, we just watched each other's faces. I wasn't going to back down and he knew it. I loved him too much to sit idly by while he put himself in danger. I knew he was thinking about my safety, as well as who would care for Macau and Venice if something happened to him, but if I was there to make sure nothing happened to him, then problem solved.

He exhaled heavily and crossed the room in long strides, pulling my face to his for a deep kiss. I kissed him back, pouring my heart into it before I pulled away, saying, "Save the rest for when we get back."

Vegas nodded, closing his eyes solemnly and pressing his forehead to mine. I swayed with him, sharing breaths, and then we were out the door and rushing to meet Porsche.

We only lost a few bodyguards and no one that I knew well. Luckily we got the situation under control before we lost anyone else. Porsche stood, panting and covered in blood, Khun Kinn beside him in a similar state.

"What now?" Porsche asked.

"Now we get info," Khun Kinn said, nodding his head in Vegas's direction.

Sure. Just traumatize my lover yet again because you're too chickenshit to do it yourself.

Rather than voice my true feelings, I glanced at Vegas, who was watching his cousin.

Vegas nodded his agreement. Concern bloomed within me. It had been a while since Vegas had tortured someone. He had become a different person since then. Now he knew about love and care. Not only did he have me, but he was a dad for fuck's sake.

Stepping close to him, I wiped the blood off his face with the sleeve of my shirt as I whispered, "You okay to do this? You don't have to. I can do it."

Grabbing my wrists gently, Vegas leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose.

"I'll be fine, love. But I will need you later."

"Anything, anything you need. I'll stay close by."

"No," he shook his head, "You don't need to watch."

"No hiding from me, Vegas," I warned. "I can take it."

I captured his lips lightly in a kiss and he wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me tighter against him. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest from the adrenaline. Or was that mine?

"I know you guys are into some freaky shit, but maybe save that for later?" Porsche said, laughing.

I pulled away, making a rude hand gesture in Porsche's general direction, then followed Vegas into the next room where two men were chained to chairs and bleeding profusely.

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