Chapter 101:It's nice to have a bit of balance!

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No one condemmed Kumagawa for his mistake. That man did remind them all of the chairman, but there were a few differences.

Vince was much more serious, while Hakanai was much more cunning. That and the fact that the chairman was much more stronger and scarier.

Well, not so much to them, but for others very much. After all, he was the chairman of Hakoniwa and a Shiranui, that much was to be expected from him.

At most high schools gtafiti was a big deal. However, at Hakoniwa classes in ruins and set on fire was just another monday.

Bill:Moving on, we'll once again come back to the one of the newer ones. Let's enjoy "Let's sleep, my fellow abnormals!"

Kumagawa and Takachiho were staying around the assembly, quiet bored ou of their minds. They could probably locate one of their companions because of how loud and energetic she usually is.

Zenkichi:Ah, so is this one.

Kouki:I wonder who are the others that Kumagawa-kun choose.

Zenkichi:I'd usually vote for Shibushi-senpai, Chobusaki-senpai, Mukae or even Shiranui. But seeing hiw he choose Takachiho-senpai, this could go in surprising ways.

Najimi:Well, knowing Kumagawa-kun this might be a clue that he choose to have a team of equal pluses and minuses.

Their attention was taken by Ruby and Weiss, the heiress having once again engaged in a rant. Although there was another girl with them.

The girl had blonde hair and purple eyes. Ruby seems to find her quiet dependable by the fact she choose to jump in her arms for protection. Her name was Yang Xiao Long.

Kumagawa peeked over Weiss shoulder to see she was holding a Schnee Company Pamphlethe. As usual, the gurl got startled and fell on her butt.

Kumagawa:[Eh, haven't seen those in a while?]

Takachiho:You actually use those?

Kumagawa:[Yeah, they're great for starting a fire.]

Weiss:How many times have I told you to stop doing that!?

Zenkichi:He won't, trust me.

Najimi:Ah, he can be quiet the troublemaker, can't he?

Zenkichi:Wonder where he got that from?

Najimi:I do not appreciate your sarcasm, Zenkichi-kun.

Kumagawa:[By my account, three hundred eighty seven times.]

Weiss:...Why are you still doing this, then?

Kumagawa:[I just never listen to you.]

Weiss:Haaah, of course.

Yang:Thanks for the save! Come on, try it.

Ruby:Uh...Hi, Weiss. I'm Ruby. I think we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe we can be...friends?

Weiss:Sure. How about we paint our nails and talk about cute boys? Like tall, blonde and scrawnny over there.

Weiss pointed behind them at a boy that looked quiet happy to hear that. Both Takachiho and Kumagawa recognized him as the boy that vomited on the bullhead.

He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He also wore pretty normal clothes, if you ignire the chest plate. His name was Jaune Arc.



Weiss gave her a very cold stare snd walked away. Ruby gave a awkard laugh while switching to Kumagawa and Takachiho.

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