1-5th year

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Serenity potter sat alone in a small compartment as the Hogwarts express slowly departed from the station.

She had huddled her body into the corner as she leaned onto the window.

Startled by a knock on the compartment doors she was met with a blonde boy and one other girl.

"Erm— hi do you mind if we join you? Every where else is full" the boy with shaggy blonde hair questioned.

"Of course" serenity gave a tight lipped smile as the blonde girl and boy sat across from her and the raven haired boy sat next to her.

"I'm Grayson, what's your name?" The boy called from across serenity putting his hand out.

Silently shaking his hand her face lit up.
"I'm serenity potter" turning to the two blondes she smiled.
"I'm Bohdi" Bohdi said smiling lightly at the two.

"What's your name?" She questioned as the girl smiled to her.

"I'm Mac" Mac cheeks flushed as her brother ruffled her hair.

"What house do you reckon you'll all get?" Serenity asked softly.

"Slytherin" they all said in unison.
"I think we'll all get along just fine" serenity smirked.

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"You know for a boy you sure act like a girl" Mac giggled watching as Bohdi struck a pose in serenity's dress.

"Hey! serenity said if I wore it she'd give me 5 galleons!" Bohdi screeched as he started chasing the blonde.

Serenity was rolling with laughter on the floor with Grayson watching the other two chase one another.

"Real men wear dresses!" Grayson cheered loudly for bohdi as he began to pose.

"I really think the pink suits you bohdi. Makes your bum look big" serenity said sitting up with a smirk.

"You think?"

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"Who are you looking at sere?" Grayson asked nudging the Veela's side.

"She looking at that hufflepuff Kendrick" Mac giggled as she nodded her head at the hufflepuff table.

"His name is Cedric and I'm not staring, I'm admiring" she smiled plopping a strawberry in her mouth.

"If you admire him so much why don't you talk to him?" Bohdi teased from beside her fixing his green and black robes.

"He'd never like me" serenity smile drooped.
She knew better than that.

"Well if he doesn't want you, i will gladly take you" Mac perked up kissing the girls cheek.

"You always know how to make me feel better don't you Mac?" The raven haired girl smiled.

"I try my best"

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"Hey— your serenity right?" Cedric flicked the shoulder of his new potions partner.

"Yea, Cedric right?" She couldn't help the giddiness she felt.

"I was wondering if you wanted to— I don't know go to hogsmead with me sometime?" The boy gave a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'd love to" she smiled as her face flushed.

"Awesome, I've been wanting to ask you for a while now. I didn't think you'd want to" he blushed.

"You have?"


"I did it!" Cedric cheered racing up to daring and keke.

"Did what? Took a shower?" Keke smirked as he sat across from her with flushed cheeks.

"No you imbecile. I asked Serenity out!" He said rolling his eyes.

"Weren't you suppose to do that— I don't know 3 years ago?" Daring smirked nudging his shoulder.

"Shut up"

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"Hey Serenity?" Bohdi said dropping the book from his hand slowly taking in his friends attire with a perked brow.

"What's up bohdi?" She smiled at her best friend.

"Since when we're you a hufflepuff?" He smirked looking at the robes that were definitely not hers or her size.

Her cheeks flushed as she gave a shy smile.
"Since yesterday?".

"Oh so Those don't happen to belong to a certain brunette boy I saw sneaking out of your dorm this morning?"

"I don't know what your talking about."


"Wow Cedric, I would have never thought you of all people would be a — Slytherin" keke smirked as she nudged daring to look at the boy.

"Oh this? just trying something new I guess" his face flushed as he rubbed the back of his neck shrugging.

"Oh so they don't happen to belong to the Same pretty Slytherin girl who left pink lipstick stains on your neck?" Daring smirked from beside the girl.

"I don't know what you talking about".


6th year-
Rest of the book.


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