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'And I'll be in denial for at least a little while'

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'And I'll be in denial for at least a little while'


The three teens bodies flung to the ground of the pitch, the two boys groaning in unison.
When the Hogwarts students caught sight of the three teens only cheers where heard around  the crowd.

Bohdi's eyes were wide with excitement looking down at the three teens— until he caught sight of the unmoving girl that laid bloodied.

The horrific scream that left Bohdi's mouth stopped everyone in there place. The only sound heard where the pale boys cries as he ran to his bestfriend.

Gasps and gapping eyes looked at the sobbing boy as he dropped to his knees in front of the ebony witch. Cedric and Harry turning slowly with widened eyes.

"No—no serenity you promised me!" The boy cried grabbing at the girls shirt, sobbing into it.
"No please you said— you said" another scream fell from his lips as he was dragged away from the girls body.

"Let go! I said let go of me! Please I need to see her" he thrashed in the hold of Mcgonagall who had redded eyes.

Cedric thrashed through the hold of mad eye racing to the girl.
"Serenity? Serenity wake up. Please it's all over. Come on wake up!" The sobbing Hufflepuff had to be pulled back by 4 professors before the girl could be taken to the hospital wing.

"What happened!" Dumbledore yelled at the sobbing younger potter sibling.
"He's back— he's back! Voldemorts back" he cried out grasping his mother shirt, his tears soaking through it.

"She was fine. We got away— she said we'd be fine! She saved us. Is she dead? Please tell me she's alive." Harry begged the professor trying to get out of his mothers hold, but it was no use.

"It's alright Harry. It's alright" the headmaster whispered grabbing the boys head.
"She's home. We'll do whatever we can" he said trying to comfort the screaming boy.

"Keep everyone in there seats" the minister yelled to the crowd pulling the other headmasters to the side. Engaging in hushed whispers.

Mac and Grayson where seen screaming for there bestfriend—there sister. Trying too thrash there way through the crowd before they were pulled away from the pitch.

"Let me through! Let me through!" James potter yelled trying to follow after his daughters fallen body.

"That is my daughter! You'll let me through right now or so help—" he started, tears escaping the corners of his eyes before finally the minister let him go.

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