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' That's what happens when you fall in love'

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' That's what happens when you fall in love'

── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

Serenity started to wonder if anger was the only thing she could feel. And In that moment it was true.

Her eyes were bloodshot while her nose was stained the lightest pink. Her dark hands quivered at her sides as she treaded to the great hall.

She felt the eyes watching, glaring daggers into her darkened skin.
The gained looks only made the ebony girl tremble more as if they knew what was to come.

She wanted the world to open up and swallow her whole. Maybe then—just maybe there'd be a chance at survival. A chance at peace.

Then again Cedric always told her maybes we're just possibilities. And possibilities meant nothing if not substandard.


Bohdi's eyes followed his best friend as she trembled next to him.
He had never seen her so—scared.

"Sere? Love are you alright?" Bohdi's voice was quiet and hushed, it was as though he was scared to break her with his tone.

"Just fine" her voice hoarse, sounding as if she was going to break out into a sob.
"Serenity don't lie to me" his voice grew stern yet still quiet as he watched her hands grow steady.

Breathing out slowly she took hold of his arm pulling him away from the great hall.

As soon as they reached an empty corridor she fell to her knees dragging the pale boy down with her.

Choked out sobs escaped the veelas throat as bohdi pulled her as close as he could.

"Serenity why are you crying? What happened" his words were rushed as he planted a kiss onto her braided hair.

"He's—he—" another sob interrupted her words. Bohdis eyes filled with terror. It was like he knew exactly who he was.

"Bohdi he's back" his heart dropped as he pulled the sobbing girl closer.

"We'll be okay. I promise"


Serenity found herself Slouching over a tainted piece of parchment.
Her wrist growing tired as she wrote her final letter of three.

The tears had only stopped minutes before she began writing. Each word she wrote had made her want to cry even more.
But she couldn't.

It was like she was drained of all emotion. Her fingers quivered as she signed the last letter.

Your serenity.

Her head ran wild as she placed the letters in her owls mouth.

She knew her mother and father would be here any day to come see her and Harry.

She knew he was coming back, but was she ready to face him again?

It had been seventeen years since she last saw him, seventeen whole years since she was forced to choose between life or death.
It was her or him.

And she wasn't ready for it to be her. She knew it would be him.

A/n- just a filler

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