-Cedrics letter-

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Dear Cedric,

I never thought I'd have to write this letter. But I realized if I didn't it would just be harder on you.

I've come to find that only one of us were meant for this deafening world. You see it was either you or me. And I loved you to much to let something as horrid as death take you from me. So I decided to let it take me instead.

They always say 'be glad it wasn't you' but they never tell you what to do when it really is you.

I've know since the second task party what was to come at the maze. I couldn't bare the thought of it at first but I grew more fond of the idea of death as it rang closer every day.

Not because I wanted to die— no never, I only came to peace with it because l knew
You would get your happy ending whilst I watched from afar.

I thought I could save the future. I did in a way. I saved you. And you were my future.

I did it for us— I did it for you. I guess our love was so perfect that it wasn't fit for the real world. So maybe we can try again when your done living yours and I take his away.

At least I got a glimpse of what we could have been.

Maybe I could have saved us both. But like you always said maybes are just possibilities.
So I like to think I'm leaving with the probability that there was only a chance for you.

So With all the maybes that exist, I only hope that maybe—just maybe—we can be together in some other life.

I love you Cedric Diggory, and I'll love you till my last breath leaves my tarnished lungs.

Sincerely Your,

PS- don't let this farewell hold you back from the world. You may have been my whole book but I'm just another chapter in yours.

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