Chapter Twenty-six:

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I leaned against the tree in the front yard, watching Priscilla's shadow dart inside the house. Gabriel was so focused on Gluttony and what was said that he didn't see as she quickly snuck up the stairs, then returned with two pistols. I thought she wouldn't have been able to do it so fast; I thought Gabriel's senses were stuck to her soul like glue. But when she stepped out of the house, giddily waving her hands in the air with both pistols in them, I knew he wasn't so in tune with her. At least, he wasn't if his focus was on something or someone else.

How long have they been friends? Doesn't it make you curious? It must be longer than he makes it seem.

When she came in front of me and pressed one of the guns in my hand, I cupped the back of her neck, pulled her in, and kissed her forehead. "Thank you for getting this," I whispered. I knew the possibility of them working could be slim, but I also didn't want to take any chances. If a shot needed to be fired, it could disrupt an attack. Or lessen the blow.

"We needed them." She looked down at the pistols, brushing her hand over the side.

"We do," I said, looking at the one she placed in my hand, "but I also need you to do something else."

"Hm?" She looked up at me, blinking as she leaned against the tree.

"I need you to grab my hand." I stretched out my fingers for her to link hers through.

She complied but looked up at me curiously, whispering, "Okay, but why?"

I smirked, shrugging. "Look, I've noticed, for some reason, when I'm closer to you, I can feel more of my powers" Glancing down at our hands, I gently squeezed. "I mean, I'm always aware of them, but to feel and use them like I did with Greed after being so dormant for so long?" I looked at her. "I haven't been able to do that in years until I was next to you."

"Oh." She bit her bottom lip. "And that's why you lost the other fight with the other Sins?"

"Right, I think." I nodded. "I mean, at first, I thought it was because of him—Greed. We were partners in the Deadly. But then I realized it was you. So, if you're here," I squeezed her hand again, "right next to me, I can find this temple."

"What Temple?" she asked.

"Of the Seven," I answered. She had all of the questions, but it was okay. In this case, with what we were going to do, she needed to ask, and I'd give her as much information as I knew.

"Now—" I looked out at the distance and searched the air for the new location. After I easily walked in there, I knew they would've moved the Temple, even if it was just temporary. They were trying to kill me, not let me walk back in so fast. "—I just need to find them again, then figure out how we'll get there."

"Gabriel's car," Priscilla said like it wasn't an issue.

I blinked. "What?"

"We'll need wheels, right? So, we'll just take his car. It isn't like he's using it right now." She looked back at the house. Gluttony was sitting up, his head in his hands.

"Okay." I looked back at her. "Let's do it."


It took a few hours, but once I felt the Seven back in the city, it was the return journey that took time. Gabriel had moved us a few hours away, but with his car, we made it back by nightfall. And with the night's shadows covering most of the bright city lights, I knew we would be okay.

I was glad the Seven didn't move far. The Temple wasn't in the same alleyway, but it wasn't far off. They'd nestled themselves between two buildings downtown, hidden in the shadows of the busy nightlife.

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