Change of Pace

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". . .Will you be my boyfriend?"

the words Hyunseo spoke repeated in your head about thirty times as you sat in shock while she bawled her eyes out into her hands.

"I'm sorry, just forget it," she sobbed.

You felt your heart ache, this was such a conflicting feeling. Yes, she was adorable, kind, and probably everything you'd want, but then again, you were her manager, if the relationship went bad, you could be fired, killed, or end up in an awkward atmosphere.

Your eyes softened a little.

"Hyunseo, I don't think you understand what you want," you said, trying to reason with her.

"No, I know what I want, everyone else feels the same, all six of us," she explained as her tears slowly started to stop.

You paused even longer as you processed what she had said.

"W-What do you mean by that?" You stuttered stay the assumed meaning behind the sentence.

"All six of us. . ." She started as she looked up at you. "Are blatantly obsessed with you."

There was a silence.

"I-. . .I refuse to choose one of you," you said, hoping she'd understand and you could continue to work with them with little to no worry.

Then the door behind you opened and a voice spoke from it.

"We knew you'd say that," the voice spoke, you turned to see Yujin and the other members. "So we talked about it, and decided that we'd propose an insane and desperate deal."

You stared with curiosity but also worry, what could it possibly be?

"There's something different about you," Yujin explained as she stepped toward you. "And that's why we're so attracted to you. Yes, you're an amazing guy, but there's something else about you that's like a magnet or addictive drug. Every time we're around you, it feels amazing, every time we touch you, even if it's just a graze, we get flustered out of our mind. With that being said, none of us really think straight if we're thinking about you, so, will you not be only Hyunseo's boyfriend. . .but all of our boyfriends?"

You sat there, bewildered, unable to think right, then something popped in your head.

"So. . .you don't think straight if you think about me?" You asked for confirmation.

They all nodded, quite flustered, except Wonyoung, who already knew what you were gonna say which caused her to facepalm.

"So. . .would you say I make you think. . .gay?" You said.

There was a moment of silence, they stared at you, you stared at them, the clock ticked a little louder than normal.

"You're an idiot, I didn't think you'd actually say it," Wonyoung murmured.

"What can I say? I turned this one straight guy gay freshman year," you hummed with a smile, then it faded. "But tell me, are you being serious?"

"Now why would we lie to you?" Gaeul questioned with her usual sassy tone.

"You've been messing with me lately so who knows," you explained.

"Well, we're not messing around now," she said.

Once again, another silence. Your eyes fell to the floor as you thought, to be honest, would it be that terrible? If there was something super natural about you making them attracted to you then they probably wouldn't lose interest, and there was no way in hell you'd lose interest in girls this beautiful. And lately it had been fairly lonely, unbelievably lonely, and stressful, and maybe it was time to relax a bit and have some fun.

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