Ch 1: I hardly even know' er

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"Can you believe Sizuma did that to a transfer student? That kid's hand can't even move now

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"Can you believe Sizuma did that to a transfer student? That kid's hand can't even move now." Crack "Honestly, what should we have expected from her. Just ignore it and we will be fine." Crack "It's either we defend ourselves or fall victim to her."


The two students paused, the silent atmosphere along with their pulsing hearts. What was that noise? Their minds started to flood with endless possibilities, but they both concluded that. They had to run. "Shit, let's hurry." Scurrying off to the main gates, a dark figure came out of the bushes.

"Tsk my first attempt at being nice failed huh?" Sizuma Y/n was hidden in the bushes, she sighed while dusting off the biscuit crumbs that were left on her skirt. Biting down on her homemade biscuits, she looked down at the hidden stash that she prepared for her classmates. "Why did they even run for? I was just cracking the biscuits beforehand so that it wouldn't be such a mess to eat."

Ruffling her hair in frustration. Her eyes suddenly widened in realisation, she had messed up her perfect ponytail. Feeling the irritating tug of her hair out of place. I even tied it up to fit the school's code. Her multiple failures in trying to be good that day ended with her just being more angry. "Are you kidding me right now? What the F-(udge)"


Y/n paused.


Was that a cat?
Whatever it was, it definitely caught the attention of the frustrated girl.

Sizuma Y/n POV

Why was there a cat at the front of the school? I have never seen this one before. It's pure jet black fur was so shiny, was it even a stray? Suddenly looking up towards me. My eyes widened, bright purple orbs stared straight into mine.
This cat looked so pretty, what the hell?
"Well hello there, will you be accompanying me?" I squat down beside it, letting my hand go near it's face before it started hissing. My tongue clicked at its reaction. Even this god damn cat doesn't like me? "Fine have it that way then, stupid animal."

I took my container of biscuits and opened it. Guess all of this will be for me then. A frustrated sigh left my lips, reaching for my phone in my jacket pocket. 8:11AM. Hmm I still have 9 minutes till class. I smiled and reached for a biscuit, only to feel my fingertips come in contact with soft fur. The cat was stuffing itself into my container of biscuits.


After a few attempts to dig the desperate cat out of my container, it didn't let go and I sighed once again. Undoing my ponytail and ruffling my hair, letting it fall down onto my shoulders. "Ugh fine, you can have them geez. Oh? Now you wanna play with my hair?" I snickered as it tried to paw at a few strand of my hair which was long enough to graze the cat below me slightly.

I swung my head around, letting the cat play with my hair like a toy as I started laughing. Then I froze on my spot.
I panicked, picking the cat up and checking its body. "YOU BETTER STAY ALIVE GOD DAMN IT. What did I put in these biscuits again, flour, butter YES butter, can cats even eat butter what the hell?" Frantically I started google searching all the ingredients I remembered using.

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