Ch 4: A deal

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Sizuma POV

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Sizuma POV

"So you're saying I, me, Sizuma Y/n. Have to bring this man home?" Smack "OW OW god damn fine!" I pouted, rubbing the top of my head as Hana sighed, holding the rolled up newspapers to my face. " You are the one who hit him in the face with your frisbee, so deal with it young lady." Being scolded by Hana san was never great, and her smacks were the worse. I am starting to question wether she is a gorilla. I leaned back and groaned, looking down at Shu who was still sleeping peacefully on the bed. My cheeks started to heat up.

"He is a patient Ms Y/n!" Hana gasped, faking bewilderment as my jaw dropped. "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS THINKIING OF INDECENT THINGS HANA SAN." Hana shrugged her shoulders making me mumble in anger. "Alright alright enough, bring him home, you are dismissed from school today, I got you permission." My eyes sparkled as I looked up at Hana.
"Oh my god are you serious? YES!!" I jumped in excitement, just to feel Hana smack me again on my head. "Shhh he is still sleeping." Quickly smacking a hand over my mouth, I nodded and glanced over at him again.

He really is so vulnerable right now.

What the hell was I saying? I started looking around and spotted a wheelchair, pulling it out from its place. "I'm lending this wheelchair to bring him home. I'll return it tomorrow." Hana didn't say anything but came up towards me, helping me guide Shu onto the wheelchair. He woke up slightly from the movement, looking up at me as I adjusted him.
"Stay still, I am bringing you home you bothersome man." I clicked my tongue, going behind the wheelchair and griping on the handles, pushing him out of the nurse's office.

"Have a safe trip!" Hana san waved, I bowed slightly while Shu gave a slight wave back.
"Ok just point in which direction I need to go. God forbid I need to bring you up a flight of stairs, I swear I will kill you after you recover you hear me?" No reply, only the sound of his light breathing was heard. Was he asleep again? I wiggled the wheelchair slightly. "Hey, you awake?" Yet again no response, but my movement caused his head to suddenly lean backwards. "Wait a minute, shit!" Attempting to save his head, I moved my body closer to the back of the wheelchair, making his head rest on my stomach area. I huffed out as my grip hardened on the handles, this is going to be one hell of a ride home Shu Yamino.

-Time skip-
Am I even going to the right place? Where the hell am I at right now? "Maybe I should call Hana for his address, now I'm lost like a dumbass."

Huh? I looked down, seeing the black cat from before by my ankle. When was it even following us?
"What? You want to come along too?" Mreow
The cat suddenly started walking off. Well ok geez, didn't have to ignore my offer like that.

Mreoww I rolled my eyes and looked up. "What do you want now you needy cat." It was sat patiently on the curb of the pathway, staring at us. Wait am I suppose to follow it? Am I an animal whisperer now holy sh-

"Ok ok damn, I'm going."
Should I be trusting a cat so much? Slowly doubting myself as the cat made so many turns and loops, I started feeling queasy. Ehh at this point I had no choice, I was already lost anyways so. "Alright then, lets have a stroll until Shu wakes up, and we can ask where he lives." But soon I realised what it was doing, as my eyes fell on a familiar path. "So you are guiding me to his house huh? WAIT SO YOU KNEW WHERE HE LIVES?" I pointed at the cat which tried to give me innocent eyes. Meoww, tsk what a poser.
"Hmm? Sizuma san?"
I flinched, sh*t I woke him up.
"SHH SHH its ok, I'm just bringing you home, go back to sleep god damn it you need to rest."

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