Part 17; Here with you

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It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore.

He was here and he wasn't going to be in trouble anymore. You will be the one helping him this time.

"Next time, leave the troublemaking to me."

For him, anything was worth it.


"Hey! Why did you run here Sizuma- what the" Luca shouted, sprinting over and seeing the whole scene before him. Blinking a few times, thinking he was seeing things.

You were on the floor with Shu, and the teacher was screaming at you with the guy behind her on the floor.

How did things get from bad to worst!

Luca quickly went over to you and helped you get up on your feet. "Easy there Sizuma, is your hand alright?" Nodding, you smiled at Luca, quietly thanking him for his help before turning back to the main issue.

The head teacher was now shouting at Shu instead. Shu who decided to go up to try and calm her down.

"Miss, please lower your voice. We can all discuss things with Sizuma san in the office again-"

"We? This is clearly an issue that Sizuma is having, you and Luca can return to your classrooms. Sizuma Y/n follow me."

Glaring in your direction, the teacher huffs before turning back to her office, the injured boy following behind her.

But not even a few steps ahead, he turned back and suddenly smiled towards you.

"You messed up Sizuma Y/n" He mouthed out. Turning around again and continued to follow the teacher.

That son of  a -

"Sizuma san let's go. You can just explain everything to them and we can go back to class together afterwards." Shu stepped beside you, placing his hand on your shoulder, but you moved out of his reach, giving him a curt smile before shaking your head.

"Go ahead, I'll be quick." You gestured for him and Luca who was waiting behind to go back. But Shu didn't move.

"Ugh, just go already. Don't get all worried again, I will be alright."

With your constant reassurance, the boys couldn't say much, and just sighed, waving back at you as they turned to go back.

Watching as their figures disappeared, you turned and went into the familiar room. Ah this place really didn't change much.

The teacher and boy were both already sat down on the couch, watching your every movement once you had stepped in.

"Sit here Sizuma, we contacted your parents and they are on their way." The teacher points to the seat beside the injured guy. You clicked your tongue and sat down, listening obediently for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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