Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:

I have been friends with Shane since he started out this whole YouTube thing, and I gotta say, it's made it so I and he have more friends. When Shane told me about his tinder date with Garrett, at first, I didn't think anything of it, but as soon as Shane showed me a picture of him, I was honestly so impressed with him. Garrett was good-looking and sweet, a thing everyone wants. He was 6'4 with dirty blonde hair, very very cute for what Shane was used too.

After Shane and Garrett met up and figured out they don't work that well, Shane has made it his goal to set me up with Garrett, I'm not upset, of course, but, I don't wanna ruin a friendship. Yes, I really like this guy but I don't wanna cause anything.

Soon enough Shane got with this guy named Ryland, I really like Ryland and I think he suits Shane very well with his personality, I've known Shane for a while and I know what he likes/enjoys, while they were dating, me and Garrett got closer and closer to the point where I also got really close to Garrett's excellent friend, Andrew Siwicki. Andrew is also Shane's cameraman.

One day, I slowly came downstairs to see Garrett, Drew, and Shane all filming a creepy video, I don't know what to think because all I see is 3 grown men is onesies under a blanket trying to make a "fort". I don't question and start to grab my coat and keys to leave for the day when I hear a voice behind me,

"Wait! Y/N! You can't leave yet! You promised to drive me home!"

Said the man in the Harry Potter onesie. I did. promise him this due to his car being broke down at the moment.

"Ugh, fine. Hurry up, please! I'm tired." I said giving a slightly fake sarcastic yawn to the 3 boys. I walk over to the couch and just wait and scroll through my Instagram feed. I soon hear,

"Okay! We're done!" I heard from Shane and in the corner of my eye, I can see Garrett with his bag of clothes, ready to leave Shane's house.

As I get up, I see Garrett fidgeting with his nails and slightly bouncing, he looks adorable but, I don't want to say anything, so instead, I just tap his soldier to show him that it's time to leave.

As we get out the door Garrett just starts ranting about what video they did for Shane's channel, it was a spooky video where they were calling scary numbers on a drug dealer's phone.

He also talked about their weird trip to target that they did to get the onesies that he had on at that moment.

"Soon- after, we burned the phone in the fire pit!! It was really cool!!" I smiled at the tall man standing beside me.

"Why did you burn it?"

"Because apparently, this one number would keep calling for 9 months to try and ruin your life, so we burned it."

He explained to me even though I was clearly still confused after he explained. I didn't know whether to be terrified that I live with a man that is obsessed with paranormal things or to laugh at the fact that it seemed like it wasn't real whatsoever, so I just sat there and giggled slightly.

He smiled at me and we got in the car, we started driving and talking, I later put on my Bluetooth and just gave him my phone, which probably isn't the best idea to do but, I decided to do it anyways.

He put on a chill song called,

Time Adventure

By Rebecca Sugar, he started slowly and peacefully singing along with the calm song.

"Time is an Illusion that helps things make sense, so we're always living in the present tense.."

He whispered the lyrics under his breath, it was beautiful, he can sing like a god that just blessed my ears, and I don't even believe in god/gods.

I say and listened in awe as the song looped over and over until we got back to our tiny house, (I know Garrett didn't move until like 2018 but I think it would be better if y/n and Garrett lived together in the tiny house :)

I smiled as the song ended for the last time and I saved it to my playlist of favorite songs while Garrett was watching, he gave his classic big, handsome smile.

As we got inside, I started humming the song along with Garrett which I knew, could lead to something lovely.

(That's the end of chapter 1! I hope you all enjoyed it! I'll be making chapter 2 tomorrow! Sorry if I accidentally put rocky from time to time instead of y/n, I already had this story in mind and it was of me and Garrett but I thought it would be better if it was y/n and Garrett soooooo, yeah :)

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