Chapter 2

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Still Y/N's POV:

Since that whole thing happened with the song,  I still listen to it a ton, it's a very catchy song with a lovely purpose and it just over all has a nice feeling to it, Garrett has always had good music taste but I didn't know he had good music taste for slow songs.

Soon we both get a text from Shane saying to get there quick, as we both read it and got ready to leave, I heard Garrett play it again and just hum the slow lyrics, he's so lovely.

"Time is an illusion, that helps things make sense, so we're always living in the present tense, it seems in forgiving when a good thing ends, but you and I will always be back then.."

I heard him slowly sing and I slightly giggled to myself, soon enough we got into the car and started to leave.

At Shane's place

We went inside to see Morgan, (Ryland's younger sister) Andrew, Ryland, and Shane all giggling about Shane's new YouTube video and what we're doing, we go inside to see a very excited Shane and a very horrified Andrew, we knew the idea was gonna be bad.

"Okay so, do you guys remember when I said I wanna prove I'm gonna be a good dad.."

As me and Garrett were both very shocked we looked at each other and then back at Shane,


I knew Shane would be a good dad, in 3 years, I personally think it's gonna die in a hour I then hear that Garrett has the same idea in his mind.

"It's gonna die?!"

Garrett yelled to shane whilst on the couch,

"I couldn't agree more, that child is gonna die, and it's gonna die 5 different deaths Shane."

As they all started laughing at what I had said, I start laughing too realizing, it was actually really funny.

Soon enough the child was here, apparently his name was Christopher? We were all running around because of Shane's dumb decision when we saw them at the door and heard a small knock.

"Omg it's you!!"

Said the small boy with the chocolate shake in his hand. Me and Garrett weren't really paying attention, by me and Garrett, I mean just me, I didn't care whatsoever-

Soon enough we sat down with the child and heard the child say something about karate and at that moment all you could hear was me screaming,

"OMG-! I was in Karate for 12 years! Show me what you got kid!!"

We then went outside and he showed us the staff, it was very rad, he was very good with it for a small child.

We then got into a small uncle on nephew brawl to see who would win, I let him beat me which was very cool on his part.

I looked over to Garrett to see him laughing his ass off, and honestly it was adorable.

I really love this guy..

(Sorry for the short chapter!! I'm going somewhere in a hour! So uhm yeah- sorry!! I love you all!!"

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