Chapter 3

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(omg ppl are starting to read this- damn, i'm also on my laptop rn so if spelling is bad and shit that's why- Anyways- i love you guys! <3 - Rocky<3)

Garrett's POV:

As soon as I saw Y/N letting Christopher win, I couldn't help but giggle a little along with Andrew and Shane. We could all see the joy in Christopher's face due to the fact that he just took down a grown man. Y/N walked over to me and pretend to be scared and hid behind me, it was kind of cute.

I chuckled and gladly held Y/N behind me to hid him from Chris, he then began to slowly approach Chris again like a puppy sniffing its new owner.

Once we were done with this, we all went back inside. Shane got 2 diet root beers for him and his new child as they proceeded to open them and take small sips from the 2 cans. Y/N began to hold back laughter as Shane was tearing up. 


Shane said as Y/N began snickering from beside me and Andrew, I also began giggling, along with Andrew at Shane being a weird emotional dad.

Y/N's POV:

I was laughing to myself, then both Garrett and Andrew joined in due to the fact that Shane was about to cry because of how "sweet" his new child was.

We then started talking about food and started to get hungry and Shane thought it was a good idea to take a uber to a nearby restaurant. Once the uber got there, Shane started holding hands with Chris when going up the hill.

Once we got into the uber we started going to the restaurant,  We went inside the place and sat down.

"So what kind of things do you like?"

"uhm, Harry Potter.."

Once me and Garrett heard "Harry Potter" our inner geeks went off.

"WAIT- You know Harry Potter?! What house are you in? Me and Y/N are hufflpuffs!" said Garrett with genuine joy in his voice.

"WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT HARRY POTTER" replied Shane, annoyed that his child is seeming more like me and Garrett's child.

As our food got there, Chris then put the ranch aside which seemed to annoy Shane to the point where he asked, 

"Why is the ranch over there?"

Christopher than said confidently, 

"I don't like ranch!"

Put shock hit everyone at the table in that moment, my jaw dropped to the floor and I looked at SHane and began to chuckle, 

"uhm Shane, I don't think this is your kid"

I said laughing even more.

"Go over to your other dads-"

Said Shane pointing to me and Garrett, clearly pissed off.

"so buddy- Back to Harry Potter!" 

said Garrett, pure childhood joy filled his face, as he than heard that Chris was a gryffindor, he was very excited to find another person that likes Harry Potter other than me. 

Soon we left the place and got an uber to Shane's moms house, so she could get an opinion on all of this.

we got to her house but had to sneak up to her house because Shane never told her we were coming to her house in the first place.

I was just ready to leave because I was honestly very tired, I put in my earbuds and began listening to the lovely song that Garrett had introduced to me earlier the previous day.

All that filled my brain was just the soft words that were being sung and how lovely Rebecca's voice is and the thought of how lovely Garrett sound whilst singing the song.

"Singing, will happen, happening happened, will happen, happening happened, and, will happen again and again, cause you and i will always be back then."

As I listened to the amazing tune on repeat, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, it was Garrett,


I answered, he then asked,

"Whatcha listening too?"

Kind of embarrassed, I simply answered something he didn't like so he wouldn't want to listen too.

He just shrugged and began to walk inside after she opened the door and Shane told us to come inside.

I slightly waves to Shane's mom, and she waved back, I smiled and slowly sat next to Garrett and spaced out.

I kept listening to the song over, and over again.

The thought of Garrett made me blush and, I enjoyed the feeling a ton, so I kept listening. I love that feeling of awe I got when Garrett first sang the song, so I like thinking of Garrett singing it, it brings back that lovely feeling.

I really really, like Garrett and I don't know how to even comprehend it.

He's just so lovely..

Maybe soon we could go on a lovely time adventure.

I would love that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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