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Bangchan Pov

My life has ended, or at least life as I know it...

I have no pulse, no heartbeat and half my brain is gone.

But somehow my body seems to be surviving on gods will.

I can speak, think and do everything as if that missing portion of my brain is merely invisible.

Everyone's dead and so am I, or at least scientifically...

It's been a week since I tripped over a fucking candy wrapper and  half the shelves in the book stores came tumbling down, earning me this cool bite mark.

Talk about Transformation Tuesday

I may not have a good relationship with people but I do pride myself with the romance I have with the floor. *sigh*

But whenever I try to feast you know like a regular zombie, the life being drained out of the victim's eye the moment they sink their teeth in made something in me curl up into a ball and puke my guts out (if I had any)

Maybe I'm a picky eater, apparently some habits just follow you to the grave or perhaps I was a chef when I was alive.

So. Conclusion... there's none sorry, this dumbass is still confuse about his existence.

As the days strech on I still had not managed to make myself scuff down the tiniest bite of human flesh.

You could imagine the look on my fellow's faces when they saw me savouring a juicy steak with a side of wine.

A man's gotta eat what a man's gotta eat afterall right?

Even if my food problem's been solved there are some problems that remain.

For example, that sweet pea who's apparently halving the zombie population in a year.

Some fear him and some are just... plain stupid *cough* Han Jisung *cough*

Ahh, bless his poor soul..

Anyways, since I'm neither a coward nor too much of a dummy (such lies) I somehow managed to habe a pleasant chat with the alleged killing machine.

"Get your grubby hands away from my jacket! it's Burberry you know!! it's probably twice your monthly paycheck when you were alive!!" Felix swatted at me like I'm some sort of annoying fly.

Ahh, isn't he just pure sugar?

" Ahh.. what if I told you I could be a michelin star chef?" my lips curled up into a smirk as I watched his face cheng from annoyed to confused.

"Wait wha-"
"you can still cook?! Don't you eat-"

"Like a total barbaric doofus? yea no, I have some class you know " I slid an arm around his shoulders patting him, taking pleasure from the deepening frown on his face.

Say goodbye to your stupid jacket.

Silence filled the air between us for a minute as Felix sat in thoughtful silence.

Tsk. locating some washing machines for your jacket I see.

" I would offer you to join me but I'm sure you treasure your life too much for that"
He said, breaking free from my embrace with a disgusted look painted on his face.

"Wouldn't dream on trying to do it sweetie patootie~ <33" I blew a kiss in his direction.

"Tsk you know what never mind" he abruptly stood up from the bench marching off gruffly.

Oops, wrong topic.

"Hey! wait up partner!"

Ahh, the beginning of friendships are so sweet aren't they?

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