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Bangchan pov
They said life without the sun is dark, devoid of life.

They were most certainly right as my life now is in all shades of depressing grey without my sunshine.

And by sunshine I mean Felix and not Ji Eun in a sparkly dress looking like a disco ball.

As I sat there forming a plan of prying myself away from that she devil's iron grip that fat donkey walked in.

A cloak of tense atmosphere billowing behind him with his every step.

"Hey! watcha thinking about?"

Mr Choi, Ji Eun's father walked in with his signature tiger dad frown adorning his fat face.

"U-uh actually -"

"Coz you better not be thinking of anyone other than my beloved daughter" He warned, his voice dangerously low .

"You break her heart, I break those little nuisances face got it? I'll definitely do that if you left her like last time" He took a pause and took a big swig from my coffee mug.

"If i see her cry like she did because of you..."

He pointed a fat finger downwards where Hyunjin and Jeongin are being held captive did a slicing motion against his non existent neck.

I could only swallow my fear as I watched him exit the room toiling along the tense air that weighed down on my chest.

I swear Felix will personally make sure I burn in the fiery pits of hell if something happened to the boys.

*sigh* right... Felix.

If and I'll ever give him the chance to do so that is.

Aand pig face is back.

"Heyy handsome, wanna have a Netflix and extra chill sesh?" Ji Eun flirtatiously twirls a lock of brown around her finger so fast it may just set on fire.

And I do hope so and maybe for once she'll be smoking hot.

"No" I replied shortly and redirected my attention back to the black screen of the tv in front of me.

Suddenly her face panned closer to mine, a dangerously physcotic look in her eyes

"Do it. or I'll tell dad. Got it?"

Just the thought of two innocent lives being in danger due to my selfish reasons is more than enough to make me nod so hard it rocks my brain.

Her old annoying self returned after being satisfied with my answer and before the start of the longest hour amongst many.

And that my friends is how I ended up with a thousand hand prints on my reddened cheeks for not paying her enough attention.
(hint: I'm most certainly not blushing)

After my dead granny has been through 9 lifetimes only did the sweetest sight of the end credits come rolling in.

Annoyed at our excessive skin contact I scooted towards the furthest end of the couch.

Rather than respecting my personal boundaries she threw herself on top of me and hungrily attacked my lips.

Remembering what's at stake I reluctantly kissed back.

To make the torture more bearable I closed my eyes my mind couldn't help but imagine Felix was the one on top of me and not this physcotic pig in a wig.

Letting out a bashful chuckle she rested her head on top of my bare chest where she slept.

And as usual in my mind I envisioned breathing in the intoxicating fruity perfume of his as I ran a hand through his whispy head of hair.

Lixie babe... wherever you are I hope you're doing well and as much as it hurts me please find a way to be happy without me if and all we never meet  again.

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