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Felix Pov
My surroundings were a mess of groans and jerking bodies as the swarn closed in on me.

My movements were getting sloppy as my limit is being pushed by each head cut off.

Eventually I lay down on the tar road in defeat, letting the cat and mouse chase from death come to an end.

A loud whirring came from behind me, covering the loud groans of the dead.

And when I thought nothing could surprise me anymore a tractor with... you'll never guess it.

Bangchan in the driver seat.

Oh  to hell my "I hate Bangchan" phase go, I'll forgive him when we both make it out of this mess alive.

"Felix c'mere bro!" he extended an arm towards me as he drove pass.

We drove around town for a while, making sure to squash as many zombies like squashing a fly colonie with a fly swatter.

Alas, the road is now sticky with crimson blood and the only movements come from headless bodies still refusing to let death claim what's rightfully his.

We drove to a field where a little boy so thin and frail I could break him in two.

Only when we drove closer did I finally recognise the boy.

Jeongin's signature fox eyes stared up at me meekly relief and happiness flashing before them.

The moment our vehicle came to a halt I ran the fastest my legs could carry me towards him like my life depended on it.

"Oh my! Jeongin yah who did this to you!" I hugged his skeletal frame, the ongoing stream of tears not showing any signs of stopping.

"I'm fine dad, I just need to rest for a bit don't worry too much " he gasped weakly, the poor boy can barely lift his limbs.

Leaving him alone to let his body recuperate
I walked away from him and into the arms of my beloved.

We both cried into eachother's arms, tears filled with an impossible amount of emotion.

"I'm sorry Felix I've never wanted to-"

Not giving him a chance to ruin the momment I used my favourite way of preventing any spoilers.

Thousands upon thousands of unsaid words, sorrow of eachother's absence flew through the kiss, filling the empty void within us.

"I promise we'll figure thing out and I'll explain my side of the story once this is all over" Channie promised and sealing it with yet another steany make out sesh, this time deepening our kisses.

I felt so impossibly light after the burden I didn't know I was carrying all along was lifted off my shoulders I could've sworn I was floating.

We were so caught up in the momment we didn't bother checking the safety of our surroundings.

The rustling of the blades of tall grass behind us went unnoticed as we're all we could see.

But boy should we not have done that...

Only when a loud growl from the hidden zombie signified the end of my life.

Faster than I could blink the zombie's teeth sunk into the flesh on my shoulders.

Time froze and so did I, everything was stuck in time.

Like my life has been a movie it alk played out in front of my very eyes in slow motion.

I could see the crimson blood squirting out from the bite and how something deep within started taking over my conciousness.

I was quickly loosing control of my body as my limbs jerked in awkward positions and my skin turned veiny and pale.

It all felt surreal and dream like but the feeling of death made it certain that this was indeed happening in real time.

I was indeed turning into what I vowed to kill.

Chan who could've died from a heart attack in that moment could only stare at me.

I threw my clever to Bangchan, whom could only stand there frozen with fear, clearly hasn't and will never recovere from the sight in front of him.

But a nod of determination made my intentions super clear.

"I-I can't, I love you!"

"Please Channie babe, I love you too but if you really do care about me will you please fufuil my last request? I wanna die a human. And even when I'm gone out love will live on... I'm sure of it" I begged.

Sensing the note of urgency in my voice he plunged the knife deep into my throat.

I watched as the life bled out of me along with my worries.

My vision begin to dramatically blur and tunnel.

"I love you.." I managed to whisper to him before my conciousness leaves my body in the hands of my forever love.

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