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As if my conciousness just came to realization as to what had just happened I abruptly broke the hug and picked up some invisible lint in an effort to recompose myself.

" *cough* ahem anyways let's just start cooking shall we" I pointed towards the rusting metal door which I assume leads to the kitchen.

Bangchan pov
If looks could kill I would've died a thousand times as Felix shot daggers at me for the millionth time.

Out of the corner of my vision I noticed the eggs on the frying pan was starting to blackened.

Instictively I ran towards it and turned the heat off but was shooed away once again.

" I told you I cook and you clean I don't want your zombie germs to contaminate my food!" why must bad things happen to good people.

Though it must be fascinating to watch this "princess" cook.

"All right all right got it good sir!" with that being said I waltzed out of the kitchen and began mopping the floors.

But it wasn't too long before I heard what sounds like the first war breaking up in the kitchen.

The stench of burnt meat filled the kitchen the second the doors flung open.

"What cuisine are you cooking tonight? chicken nuggets from Pompeii?" I teased grabbing a nearby fire extinguisher.

"tsk, I said stay out of it!" Felix scowled, disposing off the burnt food on the smoking pan.

Ignoring him I grabbed a fork to sample a something that looks vaguely like roasted chicken.

"This deserves a michelin star.." Felix's eyes lit up

" ...from the fire department"but immediately dulled, a deep crease between his brows returning.

How can I lie when that "chicken" is so rubbery you can make resilient tires out of them that never puncture.

"As you say Gordon Ramsay of the dead" He rolled his eyes returning to try and salvage the chicken by pouring a stick of melted butter which looks like vomit.

"Ok ok just please stop adding so much ginger in this, you're about to make a Weasley" I snatched the roots of gibger away.

"Ok ok, I think I'd much rather eat my "horrible " cooking than turn into a grumpy old zombie like you!" he huffed, feeling insulted.

I know I've done some terrible things but I don't think anyone deserves this kind of punishment.

With that I officially banished a dejected Felix from the kitchen.

Once that nuisance was gone I hurried towards the store room to rummage through the rations.

(that's kinda a strech as the majority of it was wrapped in a layer of fuzzy mold )

A dead weight suddenly fell on my shoulder as I stood there in front of the small pile of food I managed to salvage.

I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty sure I must be a decent cook if I can still cool with half a brain so I'm sure this is nothing.

I tossed a cleaver into the air.

..I hope.

I glanced down onto my bloody hand, a portion of the blade sticking out of it.

So much for looking cool.

Felix Pov
So, can you please come over closer
Hold me tight, right now
Stupid idiot!

I violently scrubbed the surface of the tables as if their existence had wronged me.

I was doing fine on my own so why must he intervene.

"The chicken is so rubbery it could've been a tyre bleh bleh bleh" what is he a world class chef?

I don't know about that but he could be a model..

Pah! I meant I could've been a model definitely not that big oaf.

The mop sloshed lazily around the same stubborn blood stain on the floor for the thousandth time, my mind already long gone.

I'm sure he has to have some skill if he can utter sucj big words I suppose a peek wouldn't hurt..

Having made up my mind I chucked the mop to the corner of the room and hurried towards the kitchen door.

"I cannot breathe without you being right by my side
I'll die~" Bangchan's soothing voice echoed above the loud sizzles erupting from the stoves.

I didn't know he could sound this good.. not too surprised if I'm being honest.

"So, can you please come over closer
Hold me tight, right now" Okay not sounding very PG 13 but let's ignore that and question who tf he's thinking about.

My heart streched painfully, forgetting how to breath for a minute as I thought of Bangchan serenading another person that's not me.

My vision blurred and my surroundings reduced to splotches of colour causing my cinematically dramatic runaway to be disrupted by the long forgotten mop.

Cause apparently mops can have a vandeta against you.

Thanks mop, now you've ruined yet another one of my designer clothes, god I hate the apocalypse.

Wouldn't hurt to have a few zombie seamstress.

His little performance came to an abrupt halt as his frantic footsteps drew closer.

"Your zodiac has to be humpty Dumpty cause look at the mess your recklessness had created." his brows tightly knitted into a frown, his lips pressed into a thin line

Trust me when I say that's not a good look on him.

"Oh no, this bloody water spill is my attempt at creating abstract art" I sassed back, not forgetting to add an extra invisible hair flip.

But my humour wasn't appreciated as his scowl deepened.

Boy, will this be a long day..

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