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I splayed out like a starfish has washed up on my bedroom floor and dried there.

I've been here for an hour, watching the fan blades go around and round.

I could've just sat at a corner dreading Ji Eun's next visit but what's the point in that anyways?

My fan friends are just as entertaining if not entertaining than watching how fast your heart can beat from the feeling of impending doom.

Besides fan friends are not a black hole of energy, sucking every ounce of the limited amount of energy left inside of you.

Unlike thinking of Ji Eun's annoying squeaky voice.

Yikes! I'm a already getting the hibbie gibbies just thinking about it.

Plus you must know you're more boring than a piece of paper when a ceiling fan is more interesting than you.

And I sure do hope that wench gets the memo.

Ah speak of the devil..

Ji Eun entered the room with her favourite lingerie in the shade of blood.

So why not we find out if her blood really does match it the hands on way?

Except that 2 innocent lives will be wasted the moment I decided to do so.

Knowing the horrors that awaits me if I don't comply I propoed myself up against the pillowy surface as I peeled off my clothes off  my skin.

Smashing our lips together signified the beginning of my hour long daily torture

The torture of trying not to puke everytime I taste her putrid breath.

Not breaking the kiss she travelled down to my nether regions before an annoyed frown adorned those "beautiful" features of hers

"Tch,if it wasn't for your erectile dysfunction" Nevertheless she started to bob her head up and down taking in my entire length at once.
(or perhaps I'm you know? not into you bitch)

And I remain as dry as the Sahara desert

My face contorts but not in pleasure but in utter disgust.

I didn't know someone could be this bad at oral.

A feeling comparable to eating a roach creeps up on me making every second dreadfully torturous.

Squeezing an entire bottle of lube onto her womanhood she begin steadily inserting it into her.

You do know if you maybe improve a little you won't have to invest so much in lube?

She arched her back in pleasure I can never achieve in her presence.

Well at least one of us is somewhat enjoying themselves.

I laid there on my bed motionless like a "living" sex doll as she had to position every one of my limbs to achieve the ideal result.

Finally after the longest hour of my life she was done and I was relieved from my pain.

Moments after my bedroom door shut behind her with a click I sat there frozen in shock and utter disgust as my mind still struggled to process tonight's events.

But once the shock factor was over came the tears.

I cried and cried like I've never had before.

I closed my teary eyes in an effort to transport my conciousness to a moment when Felix was still in my arms.

Go back to a moment where I could still run my hands through his whispy head of hair and breath in his intoxicatingly sweet fruity scent.

I wanna go back to a time so badly where I hd the chance to kill my father for arranging an engagement with such an excuse of a human.

The feeling of knowing that Felix will most probably only exist in my memories from now can only be described by more tears.

I cried much more until eventually my tears ran out.

Until eventually something clicked in me.

Why on earth was I doing here being a puppet for a bunch of puny humans.

I cracked a smile as an entirely fool proof plan formed in my head.

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