Pt 3 - Never hit a girl... Unless

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(Timeskip to them going into a different room)

I sat in a chair with Hee-Su sitting next to me breathing heavily. The rest of the class were blocking the door and windows. We retreated into the science room

"I kind of like the name Hippo." I said making her stare at me confused. "What?" Hee-Su huffed.

I smiled and reached into my duffel bag I kept using as shield. I pulled out the glass container with the rodent inside.

"Yo! Check it! He's still alive!" I said and placed him on the table and I watched in awe. I heard Hee-Su laugh and immediately regret is as she continued to grunt in pain.

"Give me the phone. I'm gonna try calling again." Na-yeon, also known as the bitch from the bathroom, demanded. "Sorry, I lost it." On-jo replied. The upset the girl pushed On-jo. She started yelling at her.

"Who cares? We got to secure the room now!" yelled gyeong-su. "Like you can talk." She shot back. I immediately stood up ready for round two with the girl.

"What?" Gyeong-su said.

"It's because you didn't lock the door. If you had done that the gym teacher wouldn't have gotten in. We almost died because of you!"

"Then why didn't you do anything yourself?"

"Your so fucking annoying."

Gyeong-su pushed her and that's when I came between them.

"Girls, girls, your both pretty." I said sarcastically.

"And what about you y/n? You killed the gym teacher while he was still human." Na-yeon said.

"So what?"

"So what? Your a murderer! Your walking trash with no right to live!"

Something about that irked me. I turned to gyeong-su with a deadly serious face, "Never hit a girl... unless you yourself... are a girl!"

I turned back around and right hooked Na-yeon in the face. She fell to the floor. I was about to do more damage until some boys held me back and telling me to calm down.

"She hit me!" She yelled.

"I'll do it again if you don't shut your fucking mouth cunt!"

"It's pointless to get each other riled up, you saw what happened in the last classroom. It's dangerous." Cheong-San yelled.

"She has a point, though." Ji-min shouted. I turned to her, she had tears running down her face.

"The rest of us feel guilty enough after killing those... zombies. But you... killed the coach while he was still conscious and talking. You killed him, and have a clear conscious." She stuttered.

I simply clenched my fists, but I understood her perspective.

"I'm just worried she might hurt us..." she whispered. Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to respond. I sighed and sat on a table.

"That's fair enough, and I have to admit I don't really know why I'm like this. I promise, that unless your name is Na-yeon. I'm not a danger to you, however if you all want me to leave, I'll go." I said and crossed my legs.

"Leave! Just go! Everyone here is scared of you." Na-yeon shouted. No one opposed so I stood up ready to leave.

"Wait! Y/n you can't go!" Hee-Su yelled.

"Even if you are scared of her, we have better odds at living with her. After all, she tried to warn us about the coach! She helped us fight off those monsters! Besides... she promised to stay with me." She said.

I looked over to her and she was standing up while clutching her stomach. "How can none of you defend her!" Hee-Su cried. "Are you serious?" Na-yeon shouted, "Ugh! This is so fucking annoying!" She then kicked a stool away.

I walked over to Hee-Su, "thanks." I helped her sit back down as she smiled before grunting in pain.

"You still have the pain meds?" I asked and she nodded. "Take one more." I said. Although that's more than prescribed for how long it's been, she didn't appose.


"Su-Hyeok? Has anyone seen him? You were with him right?" On-jo asked looking at me.

"We were fighting the zombies together downstairs, but we were separated. He wasn't bitten though, I saw him run off." I said.

"...Where is he now?" She asked worriedly.

"I-I'm not sure. Sorry." I said.


"I mean it I wasn't bitten!" I-sak shouted. I turned my attention to the girls by the window and stood up. Everyone watched.

"I mean it! I really wasn't bitten!" She said. I observed her and saw her leg was bloody by her calf. The pants were torn and I sighed. "Your leg." I said and pointed. Everyone started gasping.

"She was bit!"

"What's going on? Did you get bitten?" Na-yeon asked raising her head.

"I said I wasn't!" I-sak shouted and ran to look in a mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot red. "Hey. Are you okay?" asked Gyeong-su. The girl turned around facing, "On-jo."


"No-right? I'm not right?"

On-jo only held the girl and slowly nodded.

"I'm not. I'm not one of them." She said. They hugged.

"What are you doing? Y/n get her out of here right now!" Na-yeon yelled.

Now I'm apart of the team?...

"No. Cmon I said I was okay!" I-sak yelled only for everyone to cower away from her in fear. I looked over at Cheong-San who simply nodded at me. "On-jo step away from I-sak." I said and clutched my knife. Cheong-San pulled her away. "On-jo." She said and fell to her knees. I approached the girl.

"Stay away from her! Don't hurt her!" On-jo yelled. The girl finally collapsed and started to twitch.

"Hurry up! Kill her! Throw her out the window y/n!" Na-yeon yelled. She started to thrash on the floor and I walked towards her only to get pushed to the side by On-jo.

She snatched my switch blade and held it up to me as she stood in front of I-sak.

"On-jo give that back, before you hurt yourself." I said. She shook her head while I-sak made cracking noises. She suddenly stopped making On-jo turn around and drop the blade.

"I-suk?" She said. The now zombie girl charged at her and I pushed her out the way. Instead I-suk jumped on Cheong-san, tackling him to the floor.

I help kick the zombie girl off him slamming her into the wall. She stood back up, but Cheong-san kicked her and she fell out the window. On-jo grabbed the girl, with Cheong-san trying to knock her out.

Na-yeon kicked over a stool, "Hey! Here!" Cheong-san grabbed it and wacked the infested girl at the window.

I sighed and sat back down, letting the girl have some time. Once she fell, the room went silent while Cheong-san tried to console his friend.

Hee-Su started sobbing, so I did what I do the worst.

Try and comfort her...

I simply hugged her and handed her the container with the rodent, Hippo inside. She cried on my shoulder. Must be the hormones...

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