Ch 11 - Final Smoke

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Su-hyeok's pov:

I entered the rec room through the window. I was practically in a daze as I replayed the events of Cheong-san and me separating.

"Where's the phone? And Cheong-San?" On-Jo asked. Shit. I stood silently and heard her run to the window to look for him. "Su-hyeok, where is he?" She asked again.

I turners around to face her, "We got separated in the teacher's office. I'm sure he'll be fine." "You serious? Oh, shit!" Dae-su said. "I'm sorry..." I said with guilt, "for coming back alone."

Your pov:

I felt the knife hit my back, but it didn't slice into me. We kept running and I turned into the library doors as Cheong-San followed me. It was crowded with zombies, we both jumped onto different shelves opposite to each other.

He sat next to a guys with glasses who said, "You were bit right?" Before Cheong-san could even answer the boy pushed him off the shelf. He grunted and zombies ran after him. Asshole!

Suddenly Gwi-nam jumped beside the nerd and also pushed him off the shelf. He started screaming as zombies ripped into him, as Gwi-Nam jumped down and continued to chase Cheong-san. I sat on the shelf unsure of what to do. I felt Hippo crawl out my pocket and onto my shoulder

No one's pov:

Cheong-san and Gwi-nam eventually managed to make it back onto the shelves. Gwi-nam tried to grab him until they were in different shelves facing each other.

"Cho-su, just delete the video!" Y/n shouted across the room on her shelf. Gwi-nam agreed, "Yea, listen to Y/n and delete the video." He smiled and tilted his head.

"You killed the principle. You're a murderer." He responded all heroic like. "You made me kill him! You shit! You wanted proof I wasn't a coward." Gwi-nam yelled.

"I killed someone too, Cho-su! Just delete it, don't get yourself killed over this!" I yelled. He looked at me the yo Gwi-nam debating this in his head. "You killed the coach to save us. He killed the principal because he's a maniac!" He said and started to run down the shelves.

Gwi-nam followed and I simply watched. It's not like I can tackle Gwi-nam off a shelf, without us falling into zombies. Gwi-nam jumped on top of Cheong-san, making his head slam into the next shelf.

I cringed feeling the pain from just looking at it. I covered innocent harmless Hippo's eyes. He's too young. Cheong-san again, fell off the shelf and was chased by zombies.

He jumped on a desk and back onto the shelf. Gwi-nam greeted him and tried to kick him back off. Thankfully Cheong-san grabbed his foot and made Gwi-nam fall onto his back.

He pushed Cheong-san back, who hit him with the light. Glass shattered everywhere and Gwi-nam slammed him down. Gwi-nam held him over a hoard of zombies and said, "Should I save you? What do you say?"

I finally had and opportunity to help Cheong-san. I ran onto their shelf with my bag on. I grabbed Gwi-nam's shoulders and held my blade to his neck. "Let him go or I'll slice your neck open!" I shouted.

Gwi-nam head butted me in the face and I fell back on my ass. Thankfully still on the shelf. I dropped my knife to the floor. Dammit!

"Lay off babe." He grunted and returned his attention to Cheong-San. Gwi-nam began to repeatedly punch Cheong-San. Then he reached in his pocket and grabbed the phone.

Cheong-san, hit the phone and caught it with his other hand. Gwi-nam reached for it, but he couldn't. So he started to strangle Cheong-san. I stood up and started to pull him by the hair and yanking him back. He wouldn't let go, so Cheong-san bashed the phone into his eye. Gwi-nam let go and screamed in pain.

Cheong-san then pushed Gwi-nam off the shelf into the hoard of zombies. Cheong-san sat up next to me as we watched the zombies bite Gwi-nam. He was screaming, "Shit, help me! Cheong-san! Y/n! Fuck! Oh please!" He shouted. Cheong-san looked away while I looked down at the boy. Man, that is not a fun way to go out...

"I will kill you. I will kill you. I'll kill you. I'll... kill you." He huffed and let out a sigh. He stopped moving.


The zombies were no longer interested in Gwi-nam and surrounded the shelf we were on. I was holding Hippo and petting his bloody fur and staring at my knife in the floor. How will I get that back? .

Cheong-san grabbed my shoulder and said, "We should go." I sat in silence before saying, "I can't." "What do you mean you can't? We have to get back to the recording room!" He exclaimed.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Why?" He asked. I slowly pointed to my knife that was on the floor.

"I'll get you a new one once this is all over." He said and tried to pull me up. "You don't understand. I've had that knife since I was a kid. It's very dear to me.", I whispered.

"Y/n, it's just a knife." He said. I simply sighed and said, "Told you, you wouldn't understand." I gave a disheartened smile. "Take the medical supplies to Gyeong-su, I'll find a way to make it back to you guys." I said.


"I said, to fucking go, Cheong-San! Nothing you say or do, will make me leave my knife behind!" I yelled. He stood up and nodded with a sigh. I opened my duffel bag and took out a few things.

"Once you disinfect Gyeong-su's wound, take my lighter and burn something metal to press against the wound as much as you can. It'll help stop the bleeding. Then sew him up and wrap it up with gauze." I said and took out a cigarette and lighter. I lit it and placed it in my mouth while throwing the lighter back in the bag.

I took out my notepad and pencil, to write down some final things if I die. As I was writing some things in the notepad I titled 'Doomsday' I heard Cheong-san ask. "Is it seriously the time to be smoking." Cheong-san asked.

"Hey man, one final smoke never hurt anyone." I said and waved him off, "Now run along and don't turn back." He nodded. He starts to run down the shelf, and the one I was on started to wobble like crazy.

I jumped to the opposite shelf and watched Cheong-san run down, while they fell like dominos behind him. This is some Indiana Jones shit...

He suddenly fell behind the shelf and they all fell on top of him, "Cho-su!"

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